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─────── 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑    𝟐𝟓 ───────


Hari slowly turned to everyone behind her, holding open the curtains. Gulping, she said, "G-guys? The sun's almost set."

It was like she jinxed it from the very beginning. Nothing bad happened in the light but when the darkness emerged through the luminescence all monsters were unleashed.

Their phones pinged, another message from unknown.

tick-tock , the clock isnt going to stop

3 minutes and counting

"What the fuck? We have to get out of here!" Hari panicked, pacing around everywhere.

"Will you be quiet for a second?" Heeseung shouted at her. "Your loud mouth is going to get us caught in a minute."

"Shut the-"

"Hari," Yeram clamped her hands on the girl's mouth. She looked in Hari's crazed eyes, "Stop. He's right. W-we have to be quiet if we don't want to get caught."

One thing about Hari is that she knew if Yeram was being serious about something that she should comply- it was the safest option. And so she nodded without a word and waited for someone else to speak.

"First things first, we need to get the hell out of here," Jungwon initiated their plan, ushering everyone to begin making their way to the door.

Heeseung, who was thinking of other things, held onto the gun and put it in his puffer coat pocket.

He might need it for future purposes.

The wooden stairs cracked under their feet as they tried to get down while making minimal noise.

"Uhm," Jungwon looked around both his sides, trying to decide which route to take. "Left or right?"

"Left," Jongseong said without hesitation.

They all nodded, beginning their journey east-ward.

The adrenaline-rush was keeping them high on edge, every little sound making them stop in their tracks and look around in all directions.

A couple of minutes in and they received another message.

time's up
better be hiding real good because
as soon as i find you ur 😵
ahahah cant wait to get my hands dirty
i'm coming for u all 🔪🩸

Aera's breath became erratic as she shakily put her phone back in her pocket. "They're gonna kill us."

Riki put his hand on her shoulder, "No, no. Aera don't say that. We can make it out of here alive- all of us."

Truth untold is that everyone was terrified... actually even more than that.

This person, whoever it may be, is no joke. If they say they're going to kill they mean it. And they don't just stab you once or twice or shoot a couple of shots and then done. No, they violate even your dead corpse.

And that's the scariest part, you don't even get a break after you're gone.

"Riki's right, if we really try we can make it out of here," Jungwon insisted. "We just have to play it smart."

"I'm scared guys, like seriously," Ahyeun looked around, fidgeting with her sleeves. "He.. she.. Or whatever.. Th- they're not going to stop until they find us."

"Exactly why we have to get out of the woods before they do," Jake tried making them feel better. "The shortcut to the exit is not that far and I'm sure we can make it out of here within 10 minutes, and after that we're technically safe."

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