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─────── 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑    𝟐𝟎 ───────


The group decided to meet up after school with Jake, to let him know what was happening and his reaction wasn't any less different to the rest.

"Why?!" was his first word after the whole explanation.

"That's what we're wondering too Jake," Sunghoon said. "It's so random."

"And to make things weirder, we all got the same message from an unknown number about her coming," Jungwon added.

Jake frowned, "Unknown number? Hold on... I got one too." He pulled out his phone from his pockets, opening his messages and clicking on the profile of his most recent sender.

He showed it to Ahyeun who was next to him. "Wait," she mumbled before pulling out her own phone and opening the text message from earlier.

"It's the same number," Ahyeun gulped, looking up at everyone.

"So this person that's fucking messing with us.. is most likely the killer," Hari slowly came to the realisation.

"That's what's most likely, yeah," Yeram nodded.

"This is actually kinda scaring me guys," Aera inhaled sharply. "Whoever this person is, is dangerous."

"We just have to be careful," Heeseung sounds calm, like he isn't getting the severity of the situation.

"More than that, I think," Sunoo says.

"They haven't really done anything yet, to be honest," Riki shrugged.

"Exactly, yet. Who knows what they have prepared for us for the future?" Yeram said.

"It's that dumb bitch, I know it is. It can't be a coincidence she's back at Pendulin and stuff begins happening," Jongseong sneered, eyes rolling back in resentment.


Heeseung turned to Jake, "It would make sense."

"She's after revenge you think?" Ahyeun gulped.

"Probably," Jongseon shrugged.

"It's been ages since it happened, if it is her then she needs to let go of what's happened. It's been a goddamn year," Jungwon reiterated.

"It's easier to want payback than to forgive and forget guys," Yeram argued. "It's just in human nature."

"Yeah, of course you'd know that," Jongseong mocked.

Sunghoon glared at him. "Jongseong," he warned. "We'd all know that if you really think about it."

"Don't be dense all the time, Park," Hari hissed at him.

"Oh, don't all come at me at once. Christ," Jongseong put up his hands in surrender.


The feminine voice made them all turn back.

Jiu was standing behind them, in her casual clothes.

"Jiu? What are you doing here?" Heeseung asked.

"Oh nothing, just came to get some drinks," she replied, holding up two cups of iced coffee drinks. "What are you guys doing?"

The group looked around at each other before saying anything, so there wouldn't be any miscommunication.

Everyone looked at Jungwon, ushering at him with their eyes.

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