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If Heeseung was the ace, Kang Yesol was much more than that. She participated in almost every class the Pendulin 12 majored in. And if she didn't take that class it most definitely didn't mean she couldn't do it. Oh no, she could do everything.

Today she sat in beauty and lifestyle, just across from Shin Hari.

"Today students," Madame Blanchet, their teacher, began. "We'll be having more of a freestyle lesson. You'll be spending the first 40 minutes designing and planning a whole look including hair, makeup and outfit. And then we'll be presenting ahead of tomorrow's lesson where we'll begin executing what we've planned for the spring project of this semester."

The tall lady looked around, "Any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Madame Blanchet clapped her hands. "Great! You may begin."

Everyone got to work, getting up to go to the shelves where all sorts of arts and crafts were stored. From colored pens to fabrics to even cutting knives.

Hari caught a peek of what Yesol was working on when she made her way back to her seat after collecting what she needed.

One thing that was driving Hari now that she was back was that she needed to prove herself better than Yesol.

This lesson was her specialty, her claim to fame.


Third period on Mondays was Aera's free hour. And so she decided to use this time to head over to her uncle's carpentry store.

The bells that hung over the entrance door chimed loudly, letting Mr. Min know that a customer had arrived.

His shiny, bald head peeked out from behind the counter, "Oh, Aera, what a pleasant surprise!!"

She walked over to where he was, smiling. "Hi uncle Min! How are you?"

"I'm good," he replied, cleaning up his hands with a towel. "Now tell me dear, what brings you here?"

"Well," Aera carefully took out the tissue from her bag and placed it in front of him. "I was wondering if you could tell me where this piece of wood came from?"

Her uncle frowned, slowly bringing the wrapped up bundle closer to him. He unraveled it, carefully taking out the smooth timber in his hands. He examined it, bringing it closer to his hand and turning it around.

"Hmm, I'll take this in and look at it later for you. I'm quite busy now," Mr. Min explained, turning around to place the item in a drawer.

"Yeah, that's totally fine," Aera said. "Can I ask how long it will take though."

"Give me three days," he began scattering around his workplace, metal items clattering almost everywhere. "Just too many things to do these days."

"No problem, I'll be back in three days then," Aera picked up her bag, slinging it on her shoulder. "Bye."

"Bye Aera."

She left the store, making a left turn to walk back to the bus stop, unbeknownst of the figure that was watching her from behind a bush.


"How come you're not at violin practice Jiu? I'm pretty sure I saw the others there," Ahyeun turned to the girl walking next to her.

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