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[14 | 02 | 2023 , 6:00am]

February 14th, Valentine's Day.

A day of dates, roses, chocolates and romantic rendezvouses.

Or even family quality time, yummy food and good bonding sessions for those who were single.

You would expect everyone to be cheery, happy and in an amorous mood for such a special occasion, but Park Sunghoon was propped up in bed at the break of dawn staring motionless at a wall.

Today was the day she was coming over.

Han Iseul.

His aunt- blood sister of his mother. The sworn pride of her family. A well known surgeon in the medical field and business mogul.

Not only was she making hundreds of thousands out of saving patients everyday but she was also the co-founder of a charity project helping the sick homeless.

She is a woman who garnered attention nationally. A true role model.


15 year old Sunghoon walked out of the toilet cubicle, heading for the sinks to wash his hands.

He turned on the tap, a gush of water flowing out onto his hands. He put his hand under the little black box hanging on the wall near him, soap landing on his hand. Sunghoon lathered it in his hands- a soapy bubble forming- before washing it off with a second round of water. Slightly shaking his hand over the sink to get rid of excess water, he then turned around.

"Ohh-" he jumped back in surprise. "Aunt Iseul?"

The woman remained quiet.

Sunghoon gulped, "W-what are you doing here? How did you get in?"

He had to back himself away, taking small steps aside from the woman who was silently approaching him. Iseul was still yet to say anything, keeping her eyes on the boy in front of her.

Scared, that's what Sunghoon felt. For the first time in his life, he felt like the mouse in the trap.

Seconds felt like an eternity as his aunt finally stopped just inches away from him. Her thin hand landed softly on his cheek; parts of her diamond ring grazing his pale flesh.

"Be quiet for me Sunghoon-ah," Iseul whispered.

*end of flashback*

Tears blurred both Sunghoon's vision and memories, and soon he saw the plain white walls of his bedroom again. He was quick to wipe his eyes, ridding of his fresh cries.

Sunghoon was the type who lacked in showing emotion but he was probably the most broken out of all his friends.

 He was an older brother. A son. A best friend. A cousin. An excellent student. An artist. A piece of art. A figure skater. A prize cup- a boy. He was hurt. He was an introverted outsider. He was good person that did bad things. He deserved better, but refused to accept it. He had friends but what good where they if he couldn't open up to them? He had love to give, but cocooned himself in. He had love given, but created walls of resistance. He wanted to feel again, but couldn't. 

He was a lonely person, suffering in the wicked world of his mind.

He felt everything but nothing at the same time.

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