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"Let's go get some food first," Ahyeun suggested, walking out of the Dior store with Aera behind her.

"Food?" Aera questioned, fidgeting with her fingers.

Ahyeun frowned and turned around, nodding. "Yeah."

"I'm not hungry though."

"What do you mean?" Ahyeun's face scrunched up further. "We've been out since peak of morning and it's almost 4 now, and you're not hungry?"

Aera firmly shook her head, "Nope, I'm totally fine."

"Not even thirsty?"

"Not really."

Ahyeun looked around, confused as to what to do next. She thought about it for a second, why wouldn't she be hungry or thirsty?

"Ahh, fine. Let's go then," she sighed.

"Yeah," Aera smiled as though nothing was wrong.

But in her mind she felt a pang of guilt.


"You mom said food's gonna be ready real soon," Yeram said into the room she was just outside of. She walked in with a cup of water and placed it beside Sunghoon.

He took it in his hands, bringing it up to his mouth and swallowing all the contents inside. "Don't remind me."

She rolled her eyes, "Be grateful I made up an excuse for you. Your meeting with her is delayed thanks to me."

"Mph," he scoffed. "Yeah, thanks a bunch. What did you even say to her?"

"That you were taking a shit," Yeram flatly responded.

Sunghoon's eyes widened. He looked mortified. "You did what?!"

The girl burst out laughing, "I'm just kidding. I told her you were taking a shower."

He shot her a glare, "Thank God. Don't ever say such things. I will fucking murder you."

Yeram held her hand up in defense. "Christ, calm down. I won't."


"Actually, you know what I wanted to show you?" Yeram suddenly remembered what she had specially bought for him on her visit.


"Wait-" she held out her index finger, stretching out her arm to grab her bag that was resting on a nearby table. She dug her hand inside, rummaging around for a bit before pulling out a book. "This," she showed him, "is Dana's diary."

Sunghoon's mouth parted to an 'o' shape, his eyes clouded, becoming more intrigued. "What- how do you have it?"

Yeram smirked proudly, "Me and a couple of the others broke into her dorm room and took it."

"You're smiling like they wouldn't kick your ass out of the school permanently if anyone found out?" Sunghoon raised his eyebrow.

Her smile dropped. "Don't. Say. That."

This time he was the one to poke fun at her. "Hah, oh yeah because... what was it again? Aunt and uncle are going to take you out of the country if they catch you lacking in school again?"

"Shut up, it's not funny," Yeram gritted her teeth.

Flicking her hair away from her face, she opened the diary- flicking through the pages until she was somewhere in the last third of the book. "Anyways, I found something really interesting."

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