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─────── 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑   𝟕 ───────


Aera rushed into the bathroom, heading straight for the mirror.

She clutched onto the sides of the basin, her chest heaving up and down heavily.

Her hand reached inside her purse. She fished around for a bit, struggling to find what she was looking for.

In desperation, she tipped it upside down- everything inside clattering on the ground.

Aera crutched down, gathering everything in front of her.

Lip gloss, lipstick, eyeliner, concealer, a compact mirror, keys, some more lip gloss, mascara, eyelash glue, lip liner, her phone, airpods, capsule.


Her medicine.

She picked up the small capsule, her hands shaking violently.

Opening it, she let three pills fall to her palm.

Two more than what she should've taken.

Her doctor strictly prohibited the usage to only one pill at a time for her panic attacks.

But desperate times call for desperate measures.

She put them in her mouth, getting up and walking to the water machine and pouring herself some in one of the plastic cups on the side.

Swallowing was hard but Aera was used to it.

She gulped, the pills feeling like they were stretching out her oesophagus from their size.

Aera dropped to the ground again, sitting against the wall. She closed her eyes, leaning her head all the way back.

Her head was doing circles and it didn't feel good at all.

It took her almost 5 minutes to cool down.

"Bloody hell," she groaned, getting up.

Her stuff was still all over the floor, so picked it all up, carelessly stuffing them in her purse.

Looking at herself in the mirror one more time, she smiled- finally contempt.

Aera left the room, not realising one of her hoop earrings had come off and was still laying on the ground.


"Hey, Jiu! Jiu!!" Yeram exclaimed once she finally spotted the girl.

Jiu turned around, slightly surprised seeing Yeram in such a state. "Yeram? Hi?"

"Where were you, girl? I've been looking for you for ages," Yeram asked.

"Oh-" Jiu stuttered. "I had to go back home for a bit. Mom was having issues. So we had to drop her off."

"Oh, explains," Yeram chuckled. "But I need your help for something."

Jiu frowned, wondering what on Earth Yeram would want her help for.

The latter took out her phone from the clutch bag she was holding, opening up her recent messages and showing the peculiar one she had gotten earlier to Jiu.

"It's in Chinese, and I'm not sure what it means. I was hoping you could translate it for me?" Yeram passed her phone.

Jiu stared at the text messages, but once reading it her eyes widened. "Yeram.. I- who sent you this?"

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