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[06 | 03 | 23 , 7:42am]

"Jake man," Heeseung greeted the Aussie with a hug. "Good to have you back."

"Good to be back," Jake grinned.

"Come on now Jake, don't lie," Hari chuckled, side-eyeing him.

"I know what he's gonna say," Jongseong whispered to Jungwon.

"Actually, I'm not lying. I've missed out on a lot of school work and I have to catch up otherwise my academic results will definitely be impacted. Especially now since exams are in two weeks time."

"Told you," Jongseong tsked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot we had those shitty exams," Riki groaned.

The spring semester entry exams were in fact beginning the week after next, and it was very important as it counts as 20% of your finals.

"Someone say exams?" a voice behind them chirped.

Jookyung appeared in between Heeseung and Jake, draping each of her arms around their shoulders. "I'm trusting you all revised?"

She smiled coyly at Heeseung, raising her eyebrow. "Well, bambi? How's physics looking?"

His face soured, most definitely, but he wasn't one to admit to his weaknesses.

"Better than your face for sure."

Howls of laughter went around the boys whilst the girls just shared looks.

"Oh snap, that one was personal," Riki snickered.

"Stop trying to instigate shit Nishimura Riki," Jookyung scowled, flicking her long acrylic nail on his forehead.

He rubbed the spot she hit that was now becoming red from the force, "Ow, that lowkey hurt."

"Good!" she crossed her arms, feeling proud of herself.

Riki turned to Heeseung, "Hyung, please teach your girl some manners."

Even though the question was directed towards him, Heeseung remained quiet with a smirk plastered on his face whilst Jookyung did the talking.

"First of all Riki, I do have manners," she argued. "Just your incapable of deserving them," she made sure to glower at him. "Second, you need to stop trying to instigate so much. And third I am not 'Heeseung's girl'."

This earned her another round of sniggers. From everyone this time.

Jookyung put her hands on her slim waist, confused. "What's funny?"

Yeram stepped forward, shaking her head. She rested her hand on Jookyung's sharply defined shoulder. "It's nothing girl, the boys are just being dickheads," she stuck her tongue out at them playfully before leading Jookyung away from them a bit. "And we don't have time to be wasting on dickheads so let's go."

The other girls too joined, leading Jookyung further and further from the chaos.

The boys watched them strut away in semi-disbelief, exchanging glances every now and then.


Hari was on the phone with Yeram and Aera as she found it incompetent to be sitting at the town hall garden in silence as her parents continued finalizing the venue for her father's party tomorrow.

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