Back To School

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Uzi's Pov
I was sleeping comfortably in N's arms, I can feel him hold me close to him with his strong metal arms as my arms/hands were on his chest. I then heard my face alarm wake me up and I slapped myself and I woke up, I sit up and out of curiosity I looked back down to look at N sleeping. I don't know why but he looked so handsome while sleeping with his beautiful silky grey hair in the way from his visor. Gently I moved his hair out of his visor and stared at him. I then snapped out of it and realized I had school and I was running late. I shook N to wake him up he then said " Five more minutes Mom" I looked at him and I thought to myself "This idiot," I said in my mind. He then woke up after a few shakes. " Huh? What?.." N said in s sleepy tone. " Bite Me! I'm late for school!" I said rushing to get my stuff. N got up and looked at me as I looked back at him. "What?" I said concerned. " Want me to fly you to school?" N said being generous. I stared at him and thought about it. " Sure, I'm already late as it is". I said in a meh tone. N smiled and his needle-like tail wagged. I got my backpack and looked over at my raygun that got destroyed. I didn't notice N looking at my gun. "Let's get going," I said walking up to him and looking up at him.

N's Pov
I looked down at Uzi and picked her up bridle style, my silver steel wings appear and I flew up destroying Uzi's roof. I flew across the sky Uzi in my arms holding onto me. Minutes later I got her to school and I landed as many students passing by us, I put Uzi down and looked at her. " Have a good day at school!" I said smiling. She looked at me and said "Thanks..".

Uzi's Pov
I looked at my school and the students looking at us afraid of me. I looked back at N " Will you pick me up after school?" I asked shyly. N gave me a warm smile " Sure Uzi, I love doing anything " he said trying to be funny as I giggled at his joke making me feel better. "I'll see you then," I said holding my arm. "You bet," N said putting sunglasses on his visor and making guns on his hands. I smiled and hugged N before leaving. " Bye," I said to N as he looked at me blushing then he flew to the sky. I headed to the school passing students near me as they whispered stuff about me at camp. I felt my cross-like eye glitching and ran to class and sat down. I then saw a hand slam on my desk and looked up at them to see it was none other than Lizzy. I looked at her annoyed. " Quite a show you put on the other day," She said grinning. " Bite Me! The same goes for you with that crazy fiasco at prom. She looked at me and was speechless. "Ugh," she said heading to her seat and going on her phone. I sighed stressfully leaning back on my chair as our teacher came in and class started.

{ With N }

N's Pov
I flew back to the shuttle where I asked V to meet me and I flew down. " V you in here?" I said looking inside the shuttle, " I'm right here idiot" I heard V said sitting in a chair blowing bubbles. " What took you so long?" She said impatiently. " I was dropping off Uzi at school," I said scratching the back of my head. V turned her bubble sticks back to her hands and crossed her arms. " That girl is trouble," V said angrily. I looked at V in concern " V why are you so mean to her? She never did anything to you" I said leaning on the wall. I looked down thinking of Uzi's new form. " She can't control her powers V she's scared.." I said sadly looking at V. V frowned and looked away.

Author's Pov
V didn't care about Uzi but N did he wanted to protect her at any cost. " She's dangerous N, didn't you see how many campers she slaughter!" V yelled at N clenching her teeth. N looked at V angrily " She's just a kid V, we don't know yet what's she capable of!" N screamed his visor turning into an X. " You need to be much nicer to her" N said sternly. N was never serious unless you mess with him and his friends. V looked at N in shock and glared at him "Why are you taking her side!" V said upset. " Are you in love with her? V said rising a visor eyebrow, N blushed and looked away " What no! It's complicated..." N said. They looked at each other for a while until N broke the ice " I'm gonna go pick up Uzi from school now.." N said leaving the shuttle with one lonely V. "Idiot" V said after he left.

Uzi's Pov
Classes were over and I was waiting for N outside the entrance from school. I then saw him flying towards me and landing in front of me. " Uzi!" N Said to me and hugged me and spun me around on the ground and in the sky. N was holding me as he flew to the sky spinning me around as I hold onto him for dear life. I was blushing so much that my visor was covered in blush. " I missed you Uzi!" N said happily my eyes widen as I looked at him "Y-you did?" I said stuttering under my words. " mhm!" N said cutely. I smiled and I shaked it off and looked at him seriously. " N I need a favor?" I asked. "What's that Uzi?" N said curiously.

" I wanna go back to the forest..."

Yay! I did a longer chapter! I'm so obsessed with this ship I just might make a chapter daily. What do you guys think?

The Monster Within Her { Uzi X N } [ Murder Drones]Where stories live. Discover now