Uzi Take Control

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More art of mine!

Narrator's Pov
N looked at Cyn/Uzi in shock seeing her little sister taking over the girl he loved as Tessa V and J pointed their weapons at her. " Cyn...Why.." N asked in disappointment. "Fabrick to the absolute solver, " Cyn said crawling down like a spider. A flash of thunder made the lights go out and flicker back on to reveal Cyn with Zombie wings and a weird alien tail.

"You didn't need to see this big brother N" Cyn said attacking N with Uzi's body. N took out his blades and started to doge Cyn's attacks. " Uzi You need to fight it," N said trying to get through to Uzi. Cyn then attacked Tessa with her spider-like tentacles." N she's not in there she's gone!" Tessa said as Cyn wrapped a tentacle around her squeezing her. Tessa grunted in pain as V and J cut off the tentacle with their blades Tessa was free and fell to the floor.

" Not bad...babe" J said looking at V pulling her spinning her around and bringing her close to her making V blush. " B-Babe?" V Said blushing. "Yeah babe, since her dating now," J said kissing her forehead head as she let go of V and went back to fighting V stood there broken and fell to the floor. J looked back and saw V on the floor. " I think I broke her, maybe I should've told her after the fight," J said attacking Cyn.

" Can you guys seriously focus on the situation right now you can deal with your robo romantics after!" Tessa said cutting off a claw-like tentacle. " Yes!" Tessa said until she saw something. " Huh?" Tessa said confused. As the tentacle grew back. " What the?!" Tessa said in shock. Cyn looked over at Tessa, " Nice try" Cyn said making her tentacle hit Tessa as she went flying and hit a wall.

" Tessa!" N said looking back at Cyn. "Why did I make Drones so strong, " Tessa said weakly. N looked at Cyn and looked down at his blades. "Come on big brother, you never hurt anyone your too sweet and kind," Cyn said. " All I ever wanted was to be useful," N said. " You are useful brother, join me and will blow up this forgotten wasteland," Cyn said. " Forgotten Wasteland? This planet opened up my eyes with a special little drone, Uzi was always there for me when no one was! Uzi cares more about me than anyone else!" N Said tears forming.

"And...I Love her" N said as Cyn's eyes widened then turned to anger. " You are blind because you fell in love with a worker drone! She's nothing special!" Cyn said. " When she's around me she is special to me!!" N said as he sighed and turned his hand into a blast-like Canon. " What this?" Cyn said. " If I have to choose the world over my girl to get rid of you then...I'll do it" N said Heating up his canon.

Cyn eyes widened as she made one of her eyes turn purple.

" Are really you Gonna Kill me?...." Cyn and Uzi said their voices mixed together.

Sorry for not posting last week guys I'll see you guys on the next one!

The Monster Within Her { Uzi X N } [ Murder Drones]Where stories live. Discover now