Telling Her The Truth

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{Present Day}

Author's Pov
N fell back as he snapped out to reality he looked down. " I-I killed her mother..." N said. N got back up but still looked down he knew he had to tell Uzi the truth but telling her she could shoot his head off with her railgun. " It's risky," he thought to himself but he had to be honest to her. After that day, N and Uzi have been dating for 5 weeks, and N was too scared to Uzi about what he did to her mother. But after a while, N finally got the courage to tell Uzi.

N and Uzi were in Uzi's room, and N told her. " Uzi.. there's something I need to tell you..." N said nervously.  "What's that N?" Uzi said, looking up at him. N took a deep breath and spoke, " I saw your mother long ago..." N said, looking away. " Really? What did she look like?" Uzi asked. " Heh... you looked like her.. she had purple hair and a beanie on her head, and she had your eyes..." N said sadly. " Heh, at least it's better to see someone in person instead of an I.D. picture," Uzi said, blushing. " Yes....but.." N said, looking down.

" But?" Uzi said, concerned. N looked back at her, worried about what would happen next. " I did something very wrong..." N said that he could hear his metal heart pounding. " What do you mean N?" Uzi said, getting scared.  " Uzi, I...I'm the one....who killed your mother..." N said, looking at her. Uzi, in shock, backed away and fell to the floor, looking down.

N went on his knees and hugged Uzi, " Uzi listen if I could take it back I would I'm sorry," N said sadly, hugging her tighter. Uzi's tears formed, and she pushed N away from her. " You killed my mother!? I never met her, and it's all your fault!" Uzi said, tears falling from her face. N looked at Uzi, his tears forming, " I grew up without my mother N, and it's all because of you!" Uzi said, upset at N. N looked at Uzi and his tone became serious, " Uzi....we are made to kill...your mother was a worker drone..I had no control of my body back then until now " N said looking down at Uzi

Uzi looked at N and said "were taking a break, now leave..." Uzi said. N's heart sanked, and he made his wings appear,  " As you wish princess," N said and flew up and broke Uzi's roof in her room. Uzi looked up and then fell to the floor, crying her heart out. Meanwhile, N flew back to the shuttle, and V was still there's. " So how did she take the news?" V said, blowing bubbles. N looked down, golden tears falling.

"We Broke Up..." N said..

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, guys!

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