The Stowaway [ Part 3 Final]

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N's Pov
After that, I took Uzi with me back to the front of the ship where the others are, after a long walk it was awkward. I and Uzi were trying to progress on what was happening between us, I looked at her as she looked at me as I looked away blushing yellow. I asked myself "Are we a thing again? Should we start over? Or are we just winging it?" I thought to myself.

"Soo a spaceship heh?" Uzi said breaking the ice. " Yes we have everything we need here, especially oil, Don't worry we won't drink out of you Uzi," I said reassuringly. " I see, so um who's your leader other than J" Uzi asked. " Oh! That's Tessa she made us, you already know I use to be a butler " I said looking at her.

"Yea heh," Uzi said looking away, I looked at her and then realized something. "Wait back at your house when you were hacking my mind, you called me cute know?" I asked. "W-What No!?" Uzi said blushing dark purple. " I heard you tho," I said. " Bite Me! I said no such thing!?" Uzi said blushing more. I grabbed Uzi's hand and spun her around and I brought her close to me seeing her blush.

"Tell me Uzi," I asked sweetly. " Ok, maybe I did maybe I didn't!" Uzi said blushing more. I smiled knowing that she did call me cute, I pulled away from her and we both kept walking, after the long walk back to the front of the ship the doors opened and I saw J, V, and Tessa still driving the ship.

" Guys your not gonna believe who I found on the ship," I said. " Oh great the purple thing" I heard V say. " Well if it isn't the thing that killed me," J said. I saw Uzi walk up to her. " I'll be happy to do it again," Uzi said angrily. I pulled Uzi back.

Tessa's Pov
I put the ship on autopilot and went to great the new Comer,  I saw a small little worker drone with purple hair with a beanie on her head and a hoodie on, I walked over to her and greeted her. " Hello there," I said to the worker drone as she hid behind N shy and scared." Don't worry I won't hurt you" I said comforting her as she slowly came out of hiding.

" What's your name Darling? I asked. " Uzi..." Uzi said shyly. " That's a pretty name," I said to her. " My mother picked it..." Uzi said placing her hand on her mother's choker. I looked at her expression and asked, "Did she?..." I asked seeing her nod her head slowly. " I'm sorry," I said hugging her then pulled away. " Where are we going?.." Uzi asked. "We're Here," I said to her. " Where?" Uzi asked.

" Earth.."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys!

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