Mother And Daughter

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Author's Pov
Uzi took a minute to process then snapped out of reality. " Doll is my cousin!?" Uzi snapped. " Yes honey, my sister was her mother, Yeva," Nori said getting up and Uzi got up as well. " Please don't be mad Uzi, you didn't know," Nori said hugging Uzi. " Nevermind about Doll, Mom I want you back please come back..." Uzi said holding her mother's hands.

" If Only it was that simple Uzi" Nori said looking away. " Oh.." Uzi said looking down, Nori grabbed her daughter's chin and made her look up at her, " There is a way but you need to learn to control Absolute Solver first." Nori said. " How Do I do that?" Uzi asked. " Lots of practice dear, We both couldn't control Absolute Solver cause it is unstable but maybe you can," Nori said.

A few minutes later the water underneath them started to move Nori looked at her daughter and smiled and moved her hair back. " Time to go Uzi," Nori said. " What No Mom! I can't lose you!" Uzi Said hugging her mother as Nori hugged her back tighter." You're about to wake up honey" Nori said. " But I can't lose you again!" Uzi said tears forming. " Hey, You'll never lose me Uzi I'm in your heart and I'm right beside you every step of the way.." Nori said wiping her daughter's teats away. " I love You, Mom.." Uzi said to her mother, "I Love you Too Uzi" Nori said as she fades away.

{ The Present}

N was sitting on a chair near a desk reading a book about Dog Breeds. Until he got interrupted by Uzi waiting up from her dream, N looked over at her. " Uzi? Uzi!?" N said running to her and dropping the book he had. N hugged Uzi tightly trying to calm her down as Uzi cried on him as she gripped the front part of his coat. Uzi's tears fell on N's coat but N didn't care. " Shh shh shh, It's ok Uzi I'm right here..." N said calming Uzi down.

After a while, Uzi calmed down but she was still clinging to N, her tears falling from her face.  "Uzi what happened?" N Asked. "I had a dream..." Uzi said her voice swollen from crying so hard." Would you like to tell me?" N asked.

" Sure..." Uzi said Uzi started to tell N what happened in her dream as N listened to her after a while Uzi finished telling N about her dream. N grabbed Uzi's hand as Uzi looked at him blushing purple.

" I owe you the biggest Apology for the longest time Now..." N said.

Sorry if this is short I'm running out of ideas, but I hope you enjoyed it and I also made new TikTok videos and YouTube videos of Murder Drones you should go check them out! Please.

The Monster Within Her { Uzi X N } [ Murder Drones]Where stories live. Discover now