The Drone Or The Universe N...

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Narrator's Pov
It was a stand-off between N and Tessa, and V and J watched in horror. " We come to the end...N now you must choose, the little drone you holding or the universe, " Tessa said pointing her gun at Uzi. N looked down at Uzi a shadow appearing on his Visor his hair covering his eyes just like the characters in the anime Uzi watched.

Tessa looked at N knowing this was hard for him. " Choose N," Tessa said. N then pointed an SMG at Tessa. Tessa looked in shock as she looked at N. " You chose the Drone..." Tessa said. "Uzi is my universe," N said pointing his gun at her still. Uzi looked up at N blushing tears forming in her eyes. " Why The Drone N...?" Tessa asked still pointing her pistol at him. " Uzi has been there for me when you guys weren't, she never left my side, and without her, I would've lost all my memories with V and a memory of her...she saved me and V with her hacking skills," N said finishing his small speech.

V smiled warmly remembering what Uzi did for her. " I'm not losing my Uzi," N said his expression changing into anger. " You either find a way to fix her or I will end you," N said menacingly. Tessa looked at N as he was still holding his gun at her knowing how much Uzi meant to him. Tessa moved her pistol away and put it away.

" Fine, we will try to find another way to end this nightmare but...I don't make promises, let's see if we can change history" Tessa said looking through lists and lists of papers. Uzi looked at N surprised by him placing one hand on his cheek and looked down at her, " What's up Uz-mphf!?" N was cut off by Uzi kissing his lips as he melted into the kiss and kissed her back. V and J watched as V was disgusted and J looked at V and then looked down her lips.

Tessa looked through the papers not finding anything. "Fiddlesticks! There's nothing here! No clues or anything!" Tessa said frustrated and turned around to see N making out with Uzi Tessa cleared her throat to get their attention as Uzi and N looked at Tessa with a string of Silva connecting them.

Tessa was about to say something but was interrupted by a voice they knew. "Ищете это? (Looking For This?) " The Voice said as they all looked over at the figure to see it was none other than Doll. Holding a paper in her hand

They all look in shock.

Sorry if this was short guys, I just wanted to make a chapter when N had to choose either the universe or Uzi. And we all know N won't choose the Universe over Uzi, he cares about her way to much. Well see you on the next one bye!

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