Her Death..

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Author's Pov
Before Uzi and N met, Nori was outside the doors looking for more evidence. She looked around the rubbish of gears and dead bodies. Nori turned on her flashlight on her phone and looked around for more evidence of why the sky demons were here aka Murder Drones. Being out here is against the law since she can get killed.

But Nori was stubborn and curious, Khan always loved her for that, he hoped one of her daughters will be like her mother. Khan was on the other side of the doors with her nameless daughter, Nori, and Khan didn't know what to name her since they were still brainstorming.

After a long while of searching, Nori then found something and ran to it and grabbed it, it was a cut-off tail from a sky demon, she examined it carefully since it broke. It was a glass-like bottle with a needle at the end of it. It had a bit of yellow liquid, Nori didn't know what it was she looked at it more not knowing that a murder drone was behind her. She put the cut-off tail in her backpack

Nori then turned around to face the murder drone as her expression changed to shock. He had a navy blue coat with fluff and grey silky hair and a hat on his head staring murderously at Nori. She backed away and ran as she used her power to throw rubbish at him as the stuff hit the murder drone. Nori started to run towards the doors but got tackled by the murder drone to the ground.

Meanwhile, with Khan, Khan decided to check on his wife so he open the doors. And saw the horror in front of him. Nori was pinned down to the ground by N the murder drone. Nori looked up at him terrified, as the murder drone stabbed her in her eye/visor. Nori screamed in pain and used her power to send a disco ball hit the murder drone as he went flying Nori got up and ran towards the doors and ran inside.

Khan quickly closed the doors as they shut as Nori layer on the table where the worker drones played cards as they looked at Nori in pain. " She's in pain! Khan, you got to put her down!" Said 1 worker drone. " What?! NO! She's my wife and the mother of my kid!" Said Khan angrily. " Khan I know this hard! But look at her she's in pain as we speak! Do you want her to be them?!" Said another worker drone. Khan looked at his beautiful wife his expression turned sad as he looked down at the wrench he was holding.

He raised his arm holding the wrench and looked down at Nori. " I love you, Nori, Khan said hitting Nori until she was lifeless, Nori's hand fell lifeless, as she passed. Khan looked down at her lifeless body as he fell to the ground crying. Until a note fell from Nori's pocket Khan saw it and slowly picked it up and unfolded the note and read it. The note said:

Dear, Khan
Name our daughter.....Uzi...raised her to be a caring loving child, let her wear my beanie always I will watch over you both from above, look after yourselves, I'll always be here. I love you both.


After reading the note Khan drop it and said to himself.

" She knew she was gonna die..."

As promised new chapter guys! This chapter made me cry a little. Since it felt like it happened in the show. But this is my point of view you guys decided.

The Monster Within Her { Uzi X N } [ Murder Drones]Where stories live. Discover now