The Hospital

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Author's Pov
N put Uzi down and Uzi could barely stand, "N..." Uzi said as she fell to the ground and passed out or in other words died ( and no not died, died, just like your phones friends) N acted immediately " UZI!?" N said picking her up bridle style, N looked at Uzi worriedly and then looked back up to see V on top of the shuttle and N's visor went from yellow eyes to an X. " Your so dead V!" N shouted at her angrily as V backed away and looked at N then flew off to the sky. N's eyes went back to normal and he made his wings appear.

And he flew up to the sky holding Uzi in his arms, a while later N arrived at a nearby hospital and Uzi was taken away by doctors who took Uzi to the emergency room as N sat in the lobby. Waiting and hoping Uzi will be ok. Hours later Uzi's father came to the hospital rushing to the front desk. " How's my daughter!?" Mr. Uzi said so worried " Who?" Said the nurse " Uzi Doorman" Mr. Uzi said. " Oh her well she just came out of the emergency room now she's in her room but sleeping." The nurse said getting up and guiding Mr. Uzi to Uzi's room. " But only one person can go in and see her, and there's someone there already," Said the nurse.

" Who's there?" Said Uzi's Dad, " take a look yourself," said the nurse showing him at a window with someone on the other side. " N..." Said Mr. Uzi. " He hasn't left her side, he's been trying to heal her wounds with his mouth but he can only heal a few the other wounds are severe.." The nurse said writing down on her clipboard. " How Long will she heal?" Asked Mr. Uzi. " Probably in a few weeks, but we will run some tests if she's ok." The nurse said. " Ok.." Mr. Uzi said frowning. " Thank You, Nurse," said Mr. Uzi.

" You're welcome," The nurse says as she leaves. Mr.Uzi looks at N seeing how tired he is and puts his head down. Mr. Uzi opens the door to Uzi's room and walks up to N and puts a hand on his shoulder. " N...Son...." Mr. Uzi said softly. "I didn't mean to hurt her...." N said tears forming. " I know son I know..." said Mr. Uzi patting N's shoulder. " I couldn't stop myself..." N said gripping the bed sheets. " I'm a murder drone were made to kill..." N said looking at Mr. Uzi. Mr. Uzi looked at N and sat down in front of him. " But that all changed when I met Uzi she...changed me...she literally changed me..." N said looking back at Uzi resting on her bed.

" I wanna protect her, at any cost from everyone who wants to hurt her..." N said as his eyes went to angry.

" Especially....V"

I can't believe you guys love this story that makes me happy! 😊

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