Human Drone

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I turned around slowly as I saw Cyn who looked like Tessa and using her corpse body as host. I looked at Cyn as Uzi and her mother looked at the corpse using figure. As I stepped forward. "Why her of all people?" N asked in disbelief. Seeing the person who created him Cyn smiled at me with a grinned smile with teeth. "I need to blend in with something you remember so why not Tessa's body" Cyn said with a robotic Siri like voice. " She never did anything to you.. how did you do this to her?!" N yelled looking at Cyn. As Cyn still thinks this is all a game to her.

"Remember back at the mansion when J and Tessa confronted me?" Cyn said. " No, I don't remember cause I was stuck in the basement with your other parts" N said. Uzi remembering she hacked into their past to help save their memories. " Anyway I took control of all the drones even J and Tessa was defenseless with just a weak pistol and I grabbed her body as I pushed myself into her body as her eyes pop out with blood as she scream in so much pain". Cyn said looking happy at me as I fell on my knees, my breathing shaking as I felt came to my side to comfort me.

Author's Pov
N looked down on the floor as his eyes flashed before his eyes as his visor made an X as he looked up at Cyn. "You're more Mr. Nice Drone!!!" N yelled taking out his blade as he dashed towards Cyn as N and Cyn started to fight each other as Cyn bit N on the should as N stabbed Cyn multiple times. Uzi yelled to N but N could hear her as Uzi watched in terror as her mother climbed on her shoulder. " He can not hear us, he's blinded by his own rage" Nori said as N kept beating the living daylight as Cyn as they tossed each other around hitting walls and windows breaking.

N looked at Cyn as he was covered in their blood mixed with Tessa's blood. " You killed the only person who made me!!!" N yelled at Cyn pinning her to the wall holding a blade onto her neck for any sudden move moments. " Oh no big brother N, I made you" Cyn said kicking off N off them as he fell to the floor coughing. " W-What?" N said. Cyn looked into N's eyes as she smiled again. " You were made to kill not date a worker drone your whole job was to help me take over this planet and rid of Absolute Solver starting with that drone there. Cyn said dashing towards Uzi as N stood in front of Uzi protecting her from Cyn.

N looked at Cyn with anger in his eyes clenching his teeth trying to hold off Cyn. " Don't you dare touch my girl!" N said as he was holding back Cyn as Cyn looked at N with shock and disappointment. "You really are a disappointment big brother N" Cyn said. Uzi watched what was happening scared. "'ll hold them off..." N said. Uzi expression changed. " W-What?" Uzi said. "Run Uzi please get to safety get out of here!" N said. Uzi's tears form looking at N as Nori tries to pull her away. " Uzi come on we have to go the place is gonna collapse!" Nori said. " N no I can't leave you behind!!!" Uzi said looking at N with tears. " I SAID GO!!!" N said shouting at Uzi as Uzi looked at him hurt as Uzi ran off crying as Nori  followed her.  N looked back and felt bad and looked down. " I'm so sorry Uzi, I love you..."N said feeling guilty.

Cyn looked at N and smiled at him, "aww that was sweet big brother N" Cyn said looking at N as N looked at N as he went back to angry with them.  As he made his wings appear and pushed himself back holding his ground making a fighting pose with his blade. " Now...let's end this scene " N said. Meanwhile as Uzi and Nori got to safety they stop for a moment and take their breath as Uzi was panting and having trouble breathing. As Nori noticed this and saw Uzi throwing up blood and oil at the same time. " What's wrong with you kid? Why didn't you wanna leave that Murder Drone?" Nori asked as she looked at her daughter as Uzi sat down feeling weak. "I love him lady, N means the world to me and he's my best friend and he's done so much for he makes me feel like I fit in, in his life and I love him for that!" Uzi said coughing blood. "And?" Nori said questionably.

" I...I'm Pregnant...with his child..." Uzi said.

Ooooooo plot twist!!! See you on the next one no spoilers!!!

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