She's The Weapon

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Author's Pov
Tessa and Doll looked at the screen in shock, Tessa turned off the computer and looked down. " How can she be the weapon? She's a sweet girl and N loves her." Tessa said. " Ее мать была сестрой моей матери. ( Her Mother was my mother's sister)" Doll said. " Wait, Nori?.." Tessa said. Doll nodded and explained everything.

" Your mother and her mother were sisters so they had the absolute Solver, but the AS is dangerous sometimes you'll lose control," Tessa said. " Я могу контролировать свою силу, Узи все еще учится ( I'm able to control my power Uzi is still learning) Doll said. " The absolute Solver cost your parents their life even Uzi's mother," Tessa said. Tessa walked over to her notes and read them." Does Uzi turn into a Zombie drone?" Tessa asked. Doll nodded and explained that she saw it happen back in the forest.

Tessa thought to herself and looked over to Doll. " We need to help Uzi," Tessa said. Doll looked at Tessa and nodded again. Tessa and Doll then heard a bang on the window they both looked up at it and saw a tree branch hitting the window. "It's just a branch," Tessa said bending down. To fix her shoe, Doll looked at the window as the lights flicked with the thunder and rain to see a monstrous figure at the window the lights flickered again as the figure was gone.

Tessa stood up again and look at Doll, "let's keep researching" Tessa said as Doll and she got back to work. Meanwhile, N and Uzi were watching anime called " Snow White With the Red Hair ( I LOVE that anime you guys should watch it has romance and a handsome Prince!) " Uzi was between N's legs while cuddling him and watching the anime with a blanket on them. While they ate popcorn.

" Hey N..." Uzi said. " Yes, Uzi? " N said confused. " How come you didn't run or get scared of me in my monster form?" Uzi asked. N looked at her then paused the anime and looked back at her and grabbed both her hands. " Cause you, 're not a monster Uzi, and your beauty never ever scared me," N said as Uzi looked up at him tears forming.

Uzi hugged N as he hugged her back wiping her tears away. " I love You Uzi," N said holding her more. N grabbed her chin and made Uzi look up at him. " N..." Uzi said leaning N. N kissed Uzi as she kissed back having a romantic beautiful moment. After a while N and Uzi fell asleep together. ( No not in that way!) Meanwhile back with Tessa and Doll.

Tessa slammed her hand on the table angrily.  " F*CK THERE'S NOTHING TO HELP UZI!" Tessa said angry. Doll looked at Tessa then the notes then back at her. " Doll what are we gonna do?..." Tessa said in defeat.

" Why don't we kill her?" A Voice said as Tessa and Doll looked at the doorway to see V all wet from the rain and dropping the guy's head that was harassing Uzi.

"V..." Tessa Said

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter I sure did! And an announcement for those who didn't see it in my bio, I have Twitter now guys! You can follow me there now! Try to help me get 100 followers! Here's the link!

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