His Choice...

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Narrator's Pov
N looked at Uzi/Cyn in shock as both their voices were mixed. " Don't use my Uzi's Voice against me" N said afraid to take the shot. " N..." Tessa said looking at her robot. " The world or her," Tessa said. N looked at Uzi/Cyn afraid, " N do you really wanna kill the person who made you feel wanted"? Cyn said taking over Uzi again.

N looked down as memories popped into his mind of him and Uzi, tears formed in N's eyes, and Cyn was walking closer to N and making a knife appear in her hand. " What's the matter? Lives flashing before your eyes?" Cyn said.

"N...it's your choice..." Tessa said as a sentinel pins Tessa to the corner. "Choice? Tessa, I made my choice! I can't live without Uzi, Uzi was always there for me and now you telling me to choose the world over her!? Tessa
...Uzi is my world...And I love her with all my heart" N said Tessa was shocked as she used her sword and cut off the sentinel's head jumping out of the corner she was in.

Uzi took over her body, "N..." Uzi said her voice glitching. N turned around and looked at Uzi as his eyes widened. "Uzi..." N said looking at his beloved. V and J smiled a little but J could sense something was wrong. Uzi slowly started to walk towards N.

Until something went through Uzi's head and out and made a sound N was in shock as Uzi fell to the floor and V and J were also shocked as N and V And J looked over at the only person with a gun. As Tessa held up her pistol smoke was coming out from.

Tessa sighed and looked at N, " I gave you way too many chances N....way too many..." Tessa said.

Oooo plot twist! I hope you guys liked this chapter sorry if it's short. I don't know if I'll post next Sunday but I'll try to see ya soon guys!!

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