Talking To N

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Uzi's Pov
I decided to go see N, I was already walking to the Murder Drones hangout, and I saw the shuttle climb up to it and saw the shuttle was closed. I knocked on it waiting for a response but nothing. " N it's me...Uzi"  I said. No response, " N...?" I said again. " Go away!" I heard N say from the other side. " N just open the hatch I need to talk to you!" I said. A few seconds later the hatch opened and I walked in to see N's back turned to me while his arms were crossed.

" N I..." I said to N stopping me, " Don' hurt me quite enough" N said as my heart sank. " N look I'm sorry I hurt you, I didn't mean those words" I said. " Then why did you say those words?" N said turning around to face me. " I didn't know back then that was your mother, ok, I wasn't myself at that time," N said honestly. " N..." I said.

"You have the same look before she died," N said harshly. An X appears on his visor.

" N...I'm sorry..." I said looking and him, as I was looking at him N started to walk up to me as I backed up and hit the wall and N pinned me to the wall with one of his hands on the wall as he looked down at me as I blushed looking up at him as he looked down at me. I looked into N's beautiful golden eyes as he stared into mine. " N..." I said softly." Fine...I forgive you...but" N said stopping.

" That doesn't mean we're together again..."N said sternly.

I'm sorry if this is short but I have a big idea for the next chapter it will be posted tomorrow!

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