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(et de foni gaerdan)

Jonah's pov:

"Hey I noticed your hand is a bit bloody and bruised," I glanced at his knuckles, which tightened as soon as I said "hand". "Yep." Adam quickly pulled his sleeve down, trying to hide it. "I punched the wall." 

"You did WHAT?!"

"Dude that's a bit loud-"

"And that's a bit aggressive!" I answered melodramatically.

Adam chuckled softly at my remark. "Then what would you rather I do? Punch a kid?"

"Hell yeah! That's better then- oh wait that's illegal." That made Adam laugh a little harder. "Well, yeah it is!" He seemed much less insecure about the fact he literally punches wall, good. "You know, I prefer hanging out with you than the other kids," I admitted. I mean, Adam was the definition of cool, he was an emo kid, a cool emo kid. "Really?" He looked me in the eyes, unable to tell if I was lying or not. "Yeah, but still, don't punch walls, alright? It's not good for you." "Alright."

"Well I have to go, be right back, don't do anything bad, aight?"



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