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Jonah's POV:

I sat up quickly. "Sh!t..." I looked around. I'm safe. I'm not in danger. No matter how much I tried to reassure myself, I couldn't make my heart slow down. My breathing wouldn't slow either. I need to find Adam. I slowly got out of bed, cringing every time the bed creaked. I looked down the rows of children, eventually spotting Adam among the children. I carefully tiptoed to his side. "A-Adam?" My voice cracked as I lightly shook him. "I'm wide awake, y'know? Anyways, need something?" I almost screamed at how sudden he replied, I didn't think he would be awake. "I-" my heart was still racing, somehow he knew that. "Alright c'mere..." I hugged him as he pulled me close, his warm hands comforted me. My breathing and heart rate started to slow.

"I had a nightmare."



"I feel tired now."

"Alright me too. Goodnight." Adam was still hugging me, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

yay my hands are bleeding

Till Death Do Us Part (The Mandela Catalogue AU)Where stories live. Discover now