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Jonah's pov:

You're fine. He's fine. You'll be fine. My heart was beating a little fast as I was visibly trembling. You're being a coward, Jonah. Stop thinkin-

"Hey, you alright?" Sarah, the brown hair girl, tilted his head in concern at me. She was a bit shorter than me so she was kind of looking up at me.


"You're not, I can sense that."

"I- alright you got me."

"What's the matter?"


"It's fine, I won't force you."

I let out the breathe I unconsciously held. I just wanted to be with Adam. I hated this place just as much as I first liked it, it was hell being without Adam.

First step, homeroom.

Homeroom was pretty small, a pretty small group of kids. This is fine, keep it together, Jonah. "It seems we have a new student, hi, my name is Ms Trincy (I don't know with the names anymore.) and I'm your homeroom teacher for the rest of the year!" Ms Trincy was a very jolly lady, she wore floral long skirts with a a white shirt.

"U-uhh hi..m-my name's J-Jonah."

"Welcome to homeroom, Jonah! Have a seat next to Mark Sarah!"

I could already hear kids whispering and quietly giggling.

This was going to be a long year.

I don't know how schools in the US work sorry🥲

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