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Adam's pov

"You two are old enough for school, it's hard to teach the two of you." Wow, great news, thanks a lot, Mrs Johnson. All I could do was scoff. Jonah looked excited though, his eyes lit up in excitement. "You two start tomorrow. Now get out of my office." We basically scrambled out, not wanting to anger her. "Did you hear that? We're going to school!" Jonah gripped my hand tightly, I could tell he was more than happy. "Yeah, heard that riGHT- you're gripping my hand too tight!" He quickly loosened his grip (loosened, not let go.) on my hands and sheepishly shot me a small smile. "Sorry.." "It's fine." 

(uhhh yay hooray next day)



"Wake up or I'll burn your BPS hoodie."

"Ok ok fine, no need to be so drastic!" I stretched for a while before getting out of bed, with Jonah standing by the side. "It's 6am, we have 1hour and 30 mins before school starts, hurry up!" 

(more time skip, now at the principal's office for intro and stuff)

"Hello boys, my name is Mr *Dave Miller*, nice to meet you. Since the two of you are new here, we have selected 2 students to help you around school, so get to know them. I'll leave you to them, they're outside the office, good luck." We thanked him quickly as Jonah grabbed my hand and dragged me along to meet them. As soon as we found them, I almost froze. They looked too familiar too. They also seemed to have noticed somehow.

"Hey, my name's Sarah." The brown haired girl spoke.

"Hello, my name is Evelin." The black haired girl said.

"Uhh hi, my name is Adam. And he's Jonah," Jonah did a quick wave.

"You two seem..familiar. Have you two been in this town before?" Evelin tilted her head in intrigue. "Yeah, we're orphans." 

"Wait really?"


"I'm so sorry for your loss."

"It's alright."

"Alright enough chit chat, do you two have a class schedule?" Sarah piped up. "Yeah we do," Sarah took the list and read it. "You're in the same class with Evelin, class 1A," Sarah said. Evelin looked hesitant to say Jonah's class. "Jonah's in class 1B. With Sarah. They'll be separated." Although it wasn't obvious, I could tell Jonah's cheerful demeanor dropped. "W-what?"

"You two will be separated, I can tell the both of you are close."

"I think it'll be fine." Jonah could fool them, but I've known long enough to know he was faking his emotions. He was fake smiling. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "It's alright Jonah, it's not the end of the world." Jonah gave me a weak smile as we headed off to class. 


special thanks to @Introverted_winterfor reminding me they had education thanks again :D

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