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I woke up in a room, modern but complete opposite of Blakes room. It was white with plants and pictures, a balcony and a closet.It had a swing on the balcony.I got up.
"Hello Aurora" i heard Blake saying. I fixed my posture and sat on the bed. I didnt unnotice how he called me Aurora. It was wierd. Somethings off.

"Hi Blake" I got off the bed and in the bathroom. I did all my busniess and went back in the room to see an woman sat on the chair.

"Oh tesoro, sei così bella, mi chiamo Sofia, non vedo l'ora di diventare una famiglia oh mio dio, stai bene.."

(Oh honey, you are so beautifull my name is Sofia i can't wait to become family oh my god are you alright)

After she said the last thing she ran up to me and held my hand up so she could take a look at it. I was shocked. So many things happening.

"Im sorry I don't know Italian.."
"oh its alright Darling im Sophia, Dante, David's and Blake' mother. "

oh that made sense. David was her male copy .literally.
"Thank you Mrs Russo"
"Oh call me Sofia darling"

I nooded. I wanted to have this kind od a realationship with my parents.

" Lets go downstairs so you can eat."
" I will just get ready then Ill come downstairs Sophia"
"My name is Aurora"I smiled at her. She nooded and left the room.

I changed to my outfit:

I curled my hair and went downstairs

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I curled my hair and went downstairs.

                 5 HOURS LATER
                                       2 PM


After Aurora came into the living room, she met my father as my mother told him how nice she was while we waited for her to get ready. She was beautiful.
I don't want to ignore her but its for the best.
I tried to ignore her for the rest of the day...Until she came to me.

                           6 PM
I don't know why but Blake ignored me the whole day. I think Im probably getting annoying but i have to ask him about my family before i shut off. I think they need a break from me anyway.

"Hey Blake" I said to him as i sat on the couch, giving us both distance.
" When can I see my family, they must be  worried?"
" I don't know I will think about it"
"Alright tell me when you decide"
That information was the thing i needed to hear. Now I can give them a break.

                             2 MONTHS LATER

We are still in Italy. I dont know what happend, but Aurora stopped talking, she is zoning out, not eating, barely sleeping, isn't energetic like she normaly was. Im worried for her. As for her family, I told an officer to tell Aurora' s family that she is alright but that they cant see her because she is in danger, i gave her back her phone to call them so they arent worried.

I don't know what is wrong with me. I dont feel so well. I can't talk to anyone whitout feeling annoying. It was the plan at first, I didnt think it would last this long. I found comfort in not talking.
I was walking down the stairs i fell and my head started hurting. I think all the dizziness is from not eating. I heard voices calling and shouting and I closed my eyes.

Im sitting next to the hospital bed. This is like deja vu.
Im starting to think this avoiding plan is only affecting bad on Aurora and me. I mean, look where this took us. Auroraisn't well. I called the doctor and she is doing some tests right now.
"Mr Russo did you hear me?" Said my family's doctor
"um no sorry"
"She will be alright, she needs to eat and drink more"
"thank you"

               3 MONTHS LATER
I was better now. Im eating more and getting better. Blake and I talked and we are good now. Im catching feelings. I dont know what is going to happend between us but I want to spend my time with him. We were back in America, infront of my brothers house doors.
We heard the door open and I was soon embraced into a tight hug "Aurora oh my God i missed you" Sarah said happily.
"Hi Sarah, is Louie home?"
"He went to get icecream with Lory and Laura"
I nodded. She let us in as I was with Blake.
"Oh who is this?" Sarah said pointing to Blake
"He is-" I said, I didn't know what to say..
"Im Aurora's boyfriend" Blake said
To say that I was in shock is an understainment.
          "What?" We heard a voice say

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