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6 months have passed since the incident. I was still sick, but I was getting better.
Blake was with me all the time, and it kinda sucked. He never let me do anything. Of course, he was in the office sometimes, but he left Luciano deal with the 'small problems' until I was better.

"What is that beautiful head thinking about" Blake asked as he walked into the room, staring at me.

"Nothing" I answered shortly, knowing that he didn't believe me in the slightest.
He sent me a death glare and I knew he didn't believe me.
"Spill it out principessa" Blake said as he put on his shirt on.
"I don't know, everything?" I said.
"Well we will talk about it when I come back from the office. It's a emergency" Blake said and put on his shoes.
"Okay" I answered.

He went to me and kissed me on the lips and forehead.
"I love you" he yelled from the stairs as he left the room, heading to his car.
I sent him a kiss and smiled.

I looked up at the ceiling, then my phone began ringing. Sarah was calling.
Sarah was now heavily pregnant, ready to push out the baby any moment. She decided to not find out the gender before birth, so she painted the nursery in white, light brown, blue and light purple.


=hey Aurora
-hey sarah

she said and hung up on the phone.
I was in shock.
The baby was arriving.
I didn't even realize the difference in her voice when she spoke. Im only suprised that Louie didn't call me, freaked out, just like he did with the twins.
I chuckled at the thought and then remembered what Sarah just said. I quickly got my things in my bag and headed out the room, soon a guard came to me.
"Boss said not to let you go anywhere" he said
"My sister in law is giving birth!" I said happily and pushed him out of the way and ran to the car.

I told Blake's driver to go to the hospital and he noded and we drove away.


I was in a middle of a meeting when my phone rang. It was Joseph, the house guard. I sighed and excused myself from the conversation, heading to the door and out to the hall.
I answered the call and he told me that Aurora left the house and rushed to the hospital because Sarah was giving birth.

My eyes went wide as I sunk all the information in.
I looked over to the door and ran in the meeting, picking up my bag and saying that the meeting will be moved to Saturday, 3 days from now.
I ran to the car and immediately arrived to the hospital. I quickly got out of the car, headed to the hospital. I ran in and asked for the information about Sarah whereabouts. As I ran to the hall I saw a pacing Aurora in front of Sarah room.
She looked at me and smiled wide, running up to me and hugging me.

"Gosh im so tired, but I cant sleep from excitement." She said, giggling in the proces.

I put my hands around her waist, pulling her up and sitting down on the chair in next to the door, setting Aurora to sit comfortably in my lap.

We then heard screams inside the room and both of us chuckled.
"That is going to be you one day principessa"
I teased her.
"Maybe" She said.
I froze, would she ever have kids with me? Has she thought about it? Are we really ready? Am I ready?
I pushed the thoughts out my head when Louie exited the room, smiling widely like never before.
"She is here" he said, looking at up.
"A GIRL!?" Aurora yelled happily.
"YES" Louie said as the two siblings hugged.

After their moment, we went into the room and both held the baby.
"Wait what is her name?" Aurora said, motioning her question to Sarah.
"Stella" Sarah answered tiredly.
"Oh you guys, we are going to leave now" Aurora said and congratulated them again.
'Finally' I thought, we have been here for 3 hours already.

As I carried a sleeping Aurora to the car, I admired her beautiful face, even though she was sleeping, she still looked so peaceful and relaxed.

As soon as we got to the car it started raining heavily, making our clothes wet in a second. Aurora still didn't wake up.
As I sat on the backseat with Aurora holding tight on my shirt, we began driving back to the mansion.

I just woke up and realized that im not in the uncomfortable chair next to Sarah's hospital room, but in Blake and I's bed back at our mansion.

I looked at my left, the sound of running water from the bathroom coming. I got up slowly, checking pn the small clock on our bedside table.
2:46 am
I was so tired. But, I should probably wait for Blake to finish showering, so we can cuddle up and sleep together.

2:58 am
I was on the phone, scrolling through instagram, when I heard the bathroom door open.
"Hey love what are you doing up?" Blake asked me while he put on some boxers and pjama shorts in our walk-in closet.
"Woke up about 15 minutes ago, just wanted to cuddle, thats all" I replied, covering myself up with the comfy and warm blanket on the bed.

He soon came over to the bed and kissed my forehead.
"Well, since you waited, you will get what you want" He said and got under the covers with me, pulling me closer to his chest and kissing me.
I kissed him back and cuddled even closer if possible. I began dozing off as I noticed his breathing even, him being in deep sleep already.
I kissed his jawline and cheeck slowly and lightly and carefully, trying not to wake him up.
I took a moment to look at him closely, he was looking so relaxed, even though he was so stressed every day.

I shook my head and held his hand in mine.
"I love you Blake" I said quietly and fell asleep in his arms.

The Mafias PrincipessaWhere stories live. Discover now