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The film finally finished. I look over at Aurora's side and see her asleep.
"Baby" I whisper and kiss her cheek.
"Hmm?" Aurora mumbles and snuggles closer to my chest.
"Come on, we have to go get ready, the movie is over." I say
I hear her sigh in frustration.
"We don't have to go" I say.
"Yeah, we have to." She says and gets up from the couch.
"Where is Garfield?" She asks me.
"Here" I say pointing to my other arm where the kitten was curled up and sleeping.
"Awww he likes you" Aurora says and gives me a quick kiss on the lips.
I get up, still holding the kitten and slowly pass it in Aurora's arms.
"Thank you baby" she thanks me.
"I will go get ready" she says and I nod.
I go upstairs and take a shower, which Aurora joined me in.
Then she got to her makeup table and did her makeup.
I got in the closet and picked up both outfits.
"Here you go" I say, passing Aurora her dress that I picked.
"Its cute" she says and approves by a approving nod.
I give her a peck on the lips and get dressed while she does some touches up on her makeup.

After we both got dressed we got in the car and I started driving.
I looked at Aurora when it was a red light.
She was looking out the window when she noticed me staring at her.
"What?" Aurora chuckled.
I put my hand on Aurora's 8 month's pregnant belly and kiss her cheeks.
"I love you principessa" I say driving again.
" I love you too" Aurora says and continues to stare out the window.

We spent the rest of the ride in silence, kissing every red light and listening to the radio, speaking a few words every few minutes.

Noticing the familiar house getting close, I slowly raise my head from Blake's shoulder.
"Im so excited" I say.
"Why, its just a hang out, we have it like every other weekend" Blake says confused.
"Well, today he is bringing over his girlfriend" I say proudly.
Blake looks at me, and after seeing my proud and serious face, he nods.
We arrive and Blake parks his car.
"You need help, baby?" Blake asks as he looks at me from his seat.
I think about it for a second.
"Yeah" I whisper and Blake chuckles.
Blake then gets out of the car and comes around and helps me to get out, since the car is pretty high.
"Thank you" I say and kiss his cheek as he puts me down.
"No problem" he replies as he takes my hand, leading us to the entrance of his home.
I ring the doorbell and in no time, Dante opens the door.
"Hello!" I say and we enter the house.
"Kira and David aren't here yet, so make yourself comfortable outside, Aurora can I please tell you something." Blake says and I nod to Blake that he can leave.
Once Blake leaves trough the doors, Dante turns to me.
"Aurora, my girlfriend is upstairs but she is kinda scared to come downstairs. Can you please go up in my room and comfort her?" He asks and I nod.
"Of course" I say and make my way upstairs and in Dante's room.

I knock.

"Yes?" I hear a small voice say.
"Can I come in" I say.
"Sure" The voice answers.

I open the door and close the door behind me and slowly make my way to the person sitting on the bed.

"My name is Aurora, I'm Blake's fiancé." I introduce myself. "You don't have to be scared. I was scared at first, but now I'm not." I say.

"Im Lana" she says and I slowly get her out of bed.
We start having a conversation and we catch up.


"So" I say and break the silence that was ruling the room.
"Yeah?" Dante says.
"You have a girlfriend huh?" I chuckle.
"Yeah, her name is Lana, I asked Aurora to help her since she was scared" Dante adds.
I nod and slowly drink my whiskey that Dante has made me.
"How's work?" He suddenly asks.
"I don't know, pretty bad, I just don't want Aurora to worry" I honestly say.

After a couple more minutes David and Kira arrive and Kira disappears upstairs, probably to see Aurora and Lana.

"BLAKE!" I hear a screaming voice coming from upstairs and I run upstairs with the boys following behind.
"Is everyone okay?" I say looking at Kira, searching her for any bruises or anything.
"Aurora! I don't know what happened to her!" She says and tears up while I run towards the room.
I run in the room and see Aurora clutching her stomach in pain as she is crying and screaming.
I kneel down.
"Whats wrong baby?" I ask her.
"My stomach! It's bloody" she says and my eyes widened in fear.
I pick her up and run out of the house, setting her in the back seats and sitting beside her while David and Kira drive us to the hospital, Dante and Lana following us in their car.

"You are going to be okay baby, just breathe" I say and caress her face as he scrunches her face in pain.

We soon arrive to the hospital and they get Aurora in a wheelchair and drive her to the doctors.
"My baby!" I hear Aurora yell to the nurses.
We all sit down and pace in the waiting room, waiting for any news.

I scream in pain and fear as the doctors rush to my side, asking me questions and cleaning me up.
"Did you have any alcohol?" The doctor asks.
"No" I cried out.

" I will get an ultrasound okay?" He says and I nod yes, silently praying that everything is okay and that this has been a mistake or that its normal.

The doctor puts gel on my stomach and turns on the ultrasound, slowly looking at the screen.
I saw his face sadden and he turns the ultrasound off after a few times, just checking if he got it right.

"Im so sorry" The doctor says.

The Mafias PrincipessaWhere stories live. Discover now