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I woke up at 7 am and got out of bed, leaving Aurora tucked in the warm covers that she loves so much.

I am currently in the home gym, I have a day off, and I wanted to show Aurora my office today, since she wanted to go there.
I called Louie and he told me that he wanted the day off with his wife and now three kids.

Just as I was setting my water bottle down on the floor and going back to weightlifting, I noticed Aurora running in the gym and jumping on me, both of us falling down on the floor.
She chuckled as she placed kisses all over my face.
"What got you so much energy principessa?" I asked as I used my legs to turn us around, me being on the top now. I smirked as I watched Aurora blush.
" I dont know, my brother has a baby?" She joked and looked at me, both of us locking eye contact with each other.
I slowly leaned in and kissed her lips passionately, our lips moving in sync perfectly.
"EW WHAT THE FUCK GUYS" We heard a grossed out Dante yell.
I got up and helped Aurora up.
"You ruined the fun" I said as I smirked, joking with Dante.
He came over to me as we both began laughing.
I turned around and realised that Aurora wasn't here anymore. Where did that little mouse run to now?


I was sprinting to the kitchen, attempting to find a good hiding spot. I dont know why I ran. I just did.
Guess its my turn to joke around now.

I ran into the kitchen and hid under the table, pulling the white long table covers over me, hoping that im not visible. I scurried away to the edge and leaned on the chairs that were surrounding the table.
I stayed quiet until I heard a deep voice and step's coming my way.

"Where are you, little mouse" I chuckled at the nickname because he gave it to me when I first attempted to run away.
I realized that I made a sound and quickly slapped over my mouth with my hand, hoping he didnt hear me laugh.

" come out and maybe I won't have to punish you" he said.

Shit, that was hot.
The steps stoppend and I couldn't hear anything anymore.
Then I got pulled by my legs out the covers and I screamed and giggled.

"Bad principessa, I think you deserve a punishment now" Blake threatened me and helped me up.
I leaned up to kiss me but he threw me over his shoulder instead.
"Ahhh Blake" I screamed.
"Please let me down" I begged
But he only slaped my ass every time I opened my mouth and said something. He was going to the bedroom. Shit I was fucked.


He opened the door and threw me on the bed.
"Stay here" he said and I nodded.
I was so wet.
He came back with a blindfold. Fuck.
"Good girl, now, let me put this on you and take you somewhere"
I nodded and he put the blindfold on. Then he took me in his arms and we left the room.
After about 4 minutes he opened another door, closing it and locking it behind him.

He took the blindfold off and..... A BDSM room?

"Didnt know you were into BDSM" I commented
" Im a man of suprises" he replied smirking.

"Enough talking, get on all fours, now" he ordered and I got even wetter
I got down on all fours and he went to get some things hidden in a box.
"Take off your clothes and play with yourself for me, will you?" He asked and I immediately nodded, following his instructions.
He was watching me the entire time while preparing himself.

" on your knees" he said sharply and I got on my knees.

He came over to me and he put nipple clampers on me while I begged for him to fuck me already.
"Listen here principessa, you dont get to cum untill i tl you to, you shut your pretty mouth up and let me please you however I like. Yes?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yes what?"
"Yes master"
"Good girl"
He tied my arms up and sat me on the swing in the corner of the room.
He rubbed my clit and spit on his fingers and carresed them over my pussy that was dripping.
"Are you wet for me?"
"Yes master" I replied and he pushed his fingers in, coating his fingers in my juices.
He took them out after thrusting them in and out couple of times. He then licked his fingers and unzipped his pants. He slowy took out his cock and began to open up a condom.
"Im on the pills"
"Good girl" he said as he lined up my enterance.
He slowly pushed himself in, leaving me to adjust to his size before he started to thrust in me, harder and faster each thrust.
I moaned out as he grabbed my breast. Sucking and biting my nipples while his free arm rubs my clit.
"Shit, you are so tight" Blake moaned out:
"Y-yes sir"
"On your back,lay on the bed" He said as he untied my hands.
I laid down and he soon pushed back into me, going so deep my eyes closed.
He grabbed my neck and pulled me back, kissing my jawline while fucking me from behind.
He left my neck and I fell down on the soft mattress, screaming my moans out.
Then he got a whip and slapped my ass a couple of times with it.
"Hold it" he said as he pushed the whip handle in my mouth, still fucking me from behind
"Is this what a slut gets?" He asked as he slapped my ass.
"Yes sir" I said as the whip fell from my mouth.
He nodded and fucked me more.
I was so close, but like he read my mind, he pulled out, leaving a empty feeling in my body.
"Sit, on your knees"
"Yes sir" I replied and kneeled down to the floor.
"I am about to decorate to make your pretty face even prettier."
I nodded as he rubbed himself faster, groaning.
He then cumed all over my face and spread it out.
"Such a pretty face, covered up with my cum"
He roughly pushed me up, laying on the floor.
"Ride me principessa"
"Yes sir" I said and began to slide down on him while he stretched me out and held my waist. I began to moan as he bounced me up and down.
"Do it yourself" he let my waist and I began riding him. He was filling me whole, and it felt amazing.

After some more poses and a few hours later, we both layed ln the bed breathlessly.

"Ride my face"
"Ride my face Aurora, dont make me repeat myself"
I nodded as I quickly got up, my legs shaking from the pleasure and pain.
" dont be scared, little mouse"
I looked at him before sitting on his face and began moving my hips forward and backwards. My legs were shaking so much, him eating me out was so amazing but tiring. He grabbed my hips and geld me in place, licking and sucking on my sensitive clit.
"Mmmm sir" I moaned out to him.
He pushed himself off me and pulled me up, taking us to our old room to rest.


I felt Blake trying to brush my teeth after I fell asleep when we were bathing together.He took care of me, bathed me and washed my hair, took my makeup off and got me a new pjama set.
I was so tired.
"Good night" Said Blake as he got under the covers.
I kissed him good night as we fell asleep peacefully .

The Mafias PrincipessaWhere stories live. Discover now