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"You had twins, and one twins sadly passed away in your stomach. Im very sorry, but we must get the babies out." I nod. " I will be back later with the doctor" He says and leaves the room, leaving me shocked and shaking as I start to cry.

Blake runs in the room, already knowing the news, he sits next to me and comforts me.
"Im sorry" I cry in Blake's chest as he hugs he, keeping me close.

"Baby, it's not your fault." He says as he looks at me.



The doctor arrives in the room and gets her supplies ready.
"Miss Aurora, Im very sorry about what happend." She says and holds my hand in comfort.
I simply nod, not wanting to speak, nor wanting to be reminded of what has happened. Blake and I didn't want to know the gender, or number of kids we are going to have, so at ultrasounds, we only wanted to know if the baby is okay.
"Are you ready?" The doctor asks.
"Where is Blake?" I ask.
"Do you want me to bring him to you?"
"Yes please" I answer and the doctor brings him in, leaving us to give us some privacy.
"I don't want to do this" I whisper as Blake kneels down.
"I know baby, but we have to in order for the baby to be healthy." He says and I nod.
"We have to plan a funeral you know?" I ask and Blake's face saddens.
"I know baby" he answers.
"Im so sorry" I say.

A couple minutes after the doctor comes in and tells me to push. And I do.
"You are doing so good" Blake says and kisses my cheek.
"I cant do it" I cry out.
"Come on sweetheart, just 3 big pushes, and they are here.
I push, and push.
"One more" The doctor says and Blake kisses my cheek.
And I push again. The next thing I hear is the crying of the baby as doctors clean the baby and give it to me.
"We have taken the other baby to get her prepared." The nurse says. I nod and look at my baby.
"Congratulations, you have a baby boy" the doctor says and leaves the room after congratulating us once again.
"Im so proud of you" Blake says and kisses my forehead.
"Where is everyone?" I questioned.
"I told them all we will call them when you are comfortable and okay."
"Thank you" I say and look at the baby.
"What will we name him" I ask and look up at Blake.
" I was thinking, and I came up with the name Alessio." Blake says.
"Oh my god I love it" I say.
After a while, the doctor comes in holding a basket and a bag.
I hand Blake the baby.
"Here is your baby girl" the doctor says and gives us a little baby in a pink dress.
"We are going to take a few photos of the kids, if that's okay with you" she says and leaves the room.
I look at her angel face and I start to cry.
"Its okay baby" Blake comforts me.
I continue to cry as I look at my little girl, not alive.
"Its all my fault." I say.
" no baby, don't ever say that".
The doctor comes in 30 minutes later to take pictures of the babies.
"That's it. I will get the pictures made and I will see you soon, you are going home for 3 days" she says and leaves the room.
"Can u call them in?" I ask Blake.
"Who do you want to call first?"
"My brother and Sarah" I say as Blake goes out the room.
A minute later they come in.
"Everyone meet Alessio and our baby girl." Blake says.
"Well what is the girls name?" My brother said.
" Our little girl has passed." Blake says as he looks at her.
The whole room was filled with silence.
"Im so sorry Aurora" Sarah said as he gave me a hug.
I started to cry and covered my face with my hands.
"Aurora, its okay, I'm so proud of you." Louie says and kisses my forehead.

After their visit, it was time for my mom and Blake's parents.
"Hey baby" my mom whispers.
"Hey mom" I say and hug her.
"Hello Sophia, Antonio" I say to Blake's parents as they greet me back.
"Mom" I whisper out.
"Only one survived" I said, not wanting to cry, I sucked back my tears and thought of my angel.
"Baby, Im so sorry" My mom and Sophia said.
"Im so sorry darling" Antonio said as he and Blake made a small conversation.
" I have to plan a funeral mom" I said as I started to cry.
"Its okay baby, you can rest. We will plan it"  they said and continued to comfort me.
"Here is our baby boy Alessio" I said and showed them the baby.
They all held him and we made a small conversation.

When they left, I called Kira, Dante, David and Lana in.

"Aurora, Im so sorry about what happened" Kira said.
"Its okay" I said as they all comforted me and took a look at Alessio and made small talks.

         BLAKE'S POV:

Aurora is officially back from the hospital.
My parents and Anne are planning a funeral for our sweet girl. Aurora and I are honestly drained, but we love our baby, and we promised that we will take the best care of him.
Aurora is still saddened about our little angel, and so am I. Its not a little thing, we didn't know her, but we were so happy that she is going to arrive, and that her brother is going to have a sister.
I just put Alessio to sleep.
"Hey baby" Aurora said as he tapped the empty spot on the couch beside her.
I sat down and pulled her on my lap.
"Hey" I replied, kissing her softly.
"The funeral is planned" she whispered.
"When is it?" I questioned.
"For five days" she answered.
I simply nodded and held Aurora close.
"We haven't done this in a while" I said.
"Yeah" she said and after a while, she fell asleep.
"Goodnight baby" I said, putting her on the pillow.
She haven't really slept regularly since Alessio was born, he isn't a crybaby, but he likes to play around.
I went to check on him and make lunch
I went downstairs after seeing him asleep.
*ring ring* I heard my phone ring, it was Luciano.

"Hey" I said, picking up the ingredients.
"Blake. You havent came to work in 2 days! Do you know how the mafia is going down. We need you."

I was going to work every day, but I wanted to be here for Alessio and Aurora.

"Whats wrong now" I said irritated.

"We have to go to Germany for a few days, some idiots stealing our packages"

I sighed .

"Okay, we are flying  next Monday night at 10" I said.

" okay, and by the way congratulations, I heard about the baby. And Im sorry for the other one" He said.

"Thank you" I answered, hearing Alessio cry in the distance.

"Gotta go now, Aurora hasn't slept good since Monday, and  Alessio is waking up." I said

"Alright man, I will come by later, need you to give me those papers for the containers arriving on next Thursday."  He added

"Okay, bye" I greeted.


I hung up the phone, quickly running up the stairs only to find Alessio in Auroras hold.

"Baby go back to bed, Im going to get him to sleep" I said coming closer to the rocking chair Aurora is sitting on.
"Thank you" she replied and handed me a crying Alessio, heading to the bedroom.

I rocked Alessio to sleep and left him in his crib.

"Baby" I heard Aurora whisper from the next room.
I went in and saw her laying on the bed in our room.
"Yes, darling?"
"Is lunch ready?"

Shit. Lunch.

"If will be ready soon" I said and kissed her cheek.

"Go to sleep, I will wake you up when its done"

I tucked her in and walked to the door.

"Goodnight principessa"

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