Turning 1

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AN(hello everyone, just a warning, this is a long chapter (almosy 2000 words), but i hope you like it) ALSO THANK YOU FOR 1,26K READS ON MY STORY❤️🫶🏼

today is Carlos and Nicks first birthday.
Its actually crazy, they are already 1, and Alessio is going to be 4 in a few months.
Im awakened by the crying baby noises coming from the twins room.
I sigh and get up, tired of doing this every day. Blake has been on a mission for 2 weeks now, and I just need help with the kids.
Alessio is trying to help me as much as he can but I feel he is too young to help around with his siblings ad much as he does right now.

I slowly get up, after a good 1 hour of sleep. I haven't sleept well since the day Blake left.
Walking towards the room, I notice Alessio looking at me with sad eyes from his bedroom across ours.

"Whats wrong baby?" I say as I pick him up and lay down on the bed, needing rest.

"Daddy doesn't help you, you are tired." He said softly and kissed my cheek.
"Its okay baby, daddy will be back soon and he will help mommy"
He nodded and pulled me closer, kissed me on the cheek before we both fell asleep.


I quietly walk in Auroras and mine room only to see Aurora fast asleep with Alessio.
Slowly walking up to Aurora, I lean over and kiss her forehead, waking up Alessio. He looked at me. He was mad?

"Come here" I said and held him in my arms, walking away to his room.
"Are you mad at me? If you are, don't worry I didn't forget to get u something from my trip" I said as we entered his room.

"No" he replied shortly, obviously wanting to get let down.

"You left mommy alone, she had to take care of us by herself. She didn't sleep at all. I tried to help, but she wouldn't let me." He said and I listened.

"She said she doesn't want me to do so much work since I am so little, so I don't have to worry about those things. 2 weeks dad, 2 weeks mom kept saying you would be back soon. She hasn't slept or had any time for herself." He said.

"I know Alessio, but I had some work to do, so I can keep you boys and mommy safe from bad people. Mommy understands that, and Im terribly sorry for making mommy do all those things alone." I said and looked at him. He slowly nodded.
"We will talk about this in the morning, good night daddy" he said and went to sleep.

I sighed and left the room, walking up to our room, I walked to the bathroom and showered. After I brushed my teeth and put on some boxers, I walked up to the bed and laid on it slowly and quietly, trying not to wake up Aurora.
I saw how tired she was, you could see it in her face. I slowly creeped up my arms around her waist and hugged her closer. She immediately turned around still asleep and hugged me, cuddling up to me and falling asleep again.
I kissed her forehead and began falling asleep.

5 AM. The babies began crying, I quickly got up and rushed to the room that the twins are staying in. I want Aurora to sleep, even though i was tired myself.  After 30 minutes of trying to get them to stop crying, Aurora walked in and took them from my arms.
She sat down on the chair in the corner and began feeding them milk from their bottle.
"They were hungry, you can't put them to sleep" She said tiredly and chuckled at my attempt to make them fall asleep.
I walked up to her and kissed her softly.
"Hello my love, missed me?" I said and put a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"More than anything" she said and smiled.

After we talked a little bit more, the twins fell asleep and Aurora and I headed back to bed.

"Im so tired" Aurora sighed and laid on my chest.
"I know, Im sorry for leaving you to deal with the kids alone, Alessio and I already had a talk about it" I said and she smiled.
I kissed her head and carresed her cheek.
"Carlos and Nick are turning 1 today, we are going to have a birthday dinner later today." She said and I nodded.
"Alessio is going to be 4 in a few months" I said.
She nodded softly and I sensed something was wrong by the way she nodded her head, we've been married for almost 5 years, I know her.

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