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I looked at the finished meal.

"It looks good" Luciano said as he took a look at the pizzas that I set on the table.

Luciano came by for lunch, no one invited him, but I didn't want to make any loud noise, so I just let him in.

"Do you think she is going to believe that I baked it?" I asked.

"No" he answered.

A chef did lunch because I was talking to Luciano about work.

"It looks too good for you to do it" he added.

"Fuck you" I said.

He laughed.

"Well I better get Aurora-"

"Wait." He stopped me.


"When are you going to get married?" He suddenly said.

"We have ben so caught up with the baby and everything, we never really discussed it, but I don't think it will be so soon because of the baby"

"Good" he replied and followed me up the stairs.

"Baby wake up, lunch is ready" I said as I woke Aurora up.

She took a look at me, and then at Luciano.

"Oh, hey" he greeted and she just nodded.

"Hey" she said as she stretched her arms.

"You didn't make it" she simply added.


"You didn't make the lunch, it smells too good" she said and I fake gasped as Luciano started to laugh silently, not too loud to wake the baby up.

She got off the bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen as I picked up Alessio who was awake from his nap.

"Hello baby" said Luciano as he started to play with Alessio on the couch.

I went behind Aurora and hugged her from behind.
She chuckled and fed me a bite of her pizza.
"I have to go to Germany next Monday" I said.

She nodded.

"Im sorry baby, I want to stay with you and the baby but my mafia is kinda going down" I said and kissed her cheek.

"For how long are you going to be there?" She asked me.

"A couple of days" I replied and she nodded.

Then we heard baby crying and we went to the living room.

"I didn't do anything" Luciano said as he put his arms up.

"Its okay, babies cry, Luciano" Aurora said and laughed.

She went into the other room to change and feed him.

"Your a good dad" Luciano said as he took a look at the family picture that was taken in the hospital.
"Thank you" I thanked.

We then had small talks and discussions about work and life until Aurora returned.

"He is asleep" she said out of breath.

"Come here baby" I said, opening my arms, which she soon walked into and hugged me.

I carried her to the couch and we sat down, Luciano sat on the opposite side.

"How are you, Aurora?" Luciano asked after a while of silence.
"Im good, thank you" she replied and looked up at him.

"Aurora, I asked Blake about when are you going to get married, what's your opinion on that?" Luciano asked as he took a sip of his drink.

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