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I felt tears brimmimg my eyes as David checked her pulse.
"she is not breathing" David said

I felt my heart drop to my stomatch.

"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN SHE IS NOT BREATHING?!" I say, taking her in my arms and rushing out the door to the car to get her to the hospital.
I notice Aurora's state. Beaten up, blood all over her body, sick, tired, marked.
How did this happen?

We get to the hospital and rush in and they immediatley take her to surgery.

I sit down on the chair, worried as fuck.

"Where is she" Kira says crying, followed by Louie and Sarah.

"She is getting surgery" I say whispering.

                         4 HOURS LATER
We just got the news that Aurora is alive .
She just needs to wake up. Aurora had 7 broken bones and broken ribs, a broken nose and she lost a lot of blood.
I sit next to Aurora's bed, holding her cold arm while I stare at her pale face. "Im sorry amore, im so fucking sorry"
"Mr Russo?" The doctor says.
I nod and follow him out the room, seeking one last glance at Aurora.

"We have done a rape test"
I gulp.
"Its positive Mr Russo"
I felt disgusted at what they did to her. I nod and leave the hospital, since visit times are over.

I wake up sweaty and with tears in my eyes.Where am I?
I immediatley get flashbacks....
Blake? Did he save me?
Just as Im thinking about Blake I nottice a doctor coming in.
I feel the need to push myself away because he will probably hurt me, like they all did. So I do just that.

"Mrs Aurora its alright, no one will hurt you"
I cant trust him. I cant trust anyone.
The doctor sighed and left.

The minute after Kira came to the  room with teary eyes.
"Aurora" she whispered and came to me . She hugged me but I couldnt find the energy to lift my arms anymore.

"Aurora im so sorry"
I noded.
"Aurora, Blake is on his way. He was with you all the time when you werent awake.
I looked at her. I didnt know what to say..

Blake comes in the room and looks at me. I looked at his face, shocked and happy.

I suddently feel the same feeling as with the doctor.
I move away and see his face now sad and regretfull.

He comes slowly to me, aware that I'm scared. "Hey Aurora"
I nod.
"Listen, im not going to hurt you, I just came in to check on you and to tell you Im sorry principessa." He says slowly.
I felt tears in my eyes as Blake hugs me and kisses my forhead.
"Im so sorry amore, im so sorry."

               2 MONTHS LATER
I was getting better, trusting the proces. I still cant belive the fact that im getting fed more times a day, but I lost my appetite so I dont really eat.
Im sleeping in the guest room at Blake's mansion. I already talked with Blake, and Im beggining to trust him again, same for the twins, Louie, Sarah, Kira and my mom. I wasnt afraid of Laura and Lory since they are too cute to be scared of.
Blake got me a therapist to talk to as he realized he isnt so good at reasuring or helping whitout threathing someone. As for my kidnapers . They are in the basement.

"Hey beautifull" Blake says as he kisses my lips. Its currently 3 am and I cant sleep.
"Not tired?"
I nod.
"What do you want to do?" He asked
"you can go back to slee-" I say as I was cut of middle sentence with a kiss.
I smile at Blake, he was so subborn.
" I want to watch tv" I whisper
"Amore you dont have to whisper, you dont have to be scared of me alright?"
I nod again.
"words amore"
"yeah" I say

The next 3 hours I spent watching southpark on Blakes tv in his bedroom while he fell asleep on my chest and left me to play with his hair.How can a ruthless mafia leader look so peaceful when he sleeps? My eyes went to his tatoos. So many of them. I didnt really see them all before.
I noticed my name written in cursive next to a rose. I felt like crying. I seriously love Blake.

                                 6 AM
I woke up on Aurora's chest while her fingers were tangled in my hair. The tv was on and she was sleeping. She looked exhausted. I checked the time to ses 5:57 am. I have to go train newbies who want to join today. I slowly get up and place Aurora's small body under the covers as I kiss her forhead. I get dressed and I take my morning coffe from Amanda.
"Blake your family informed me they will be visiting us today"
"good. Tell Aurora the news when she wakes up, alright?" I say as I hug her.
I get my buggati keys and drive up to my training mansion.

The Mafias PrincipessaWhere stories live. Discover now