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I was woken up by the sound of my phone. I tried to get out of Blakes strong grip while he was still asleep."Blake" I whispered.
"Mhm" Blake mumbled as he snuggled closer to me.
"Someone is calling me"
"Thats nice" he replied as he pulled me back into bed and cuddling me up.
I chuckled as I eventually got a grip on my phone. It was Kira, she sent me a message.

Kira- hey Aurora, I see you arent able to answer the call, so I will just text you. David and I are going to Dante's today. He invited you too, he sent Blake a message. But he wasnt answering. Just to make sure you know. Bye.
Aurora- we are coming dont worry. Blake has been cuddly all morning. Thats why I couldn't answer the call. Ciao!
I sighed and shook Blake awake.
"Blake its 10 am, get up" I said as he opened his eyes.
"Who texted you" he asked as he sat up.
"Well it was Kira" I replied
"What did she want" he said.
"Well, since you didnt answer Dante's calls or messages, she had to confirm that we are coming to Dante's today" I replied, getting up and going to the bathroom to shower and do my skincare routine.
Just as I was conditioning my hair, I felt two arms snaking around my waist.
"Hey baby" Blake said as placed light kissed against my neck.
"Why are you so cuddly all morning" I chuckled.
"Well its hard not to when I have a day off work and I can be home with my girl" He replied as I got butterflies in my stomach.
"Awh stop" I said as my cheeks got red.
"Aww look at you blushing" Blake said as he kissed my cheek.
I smiled and we finished showering and got out of the shower.
I went to the closet with Blake following me, we split on two sides, mine and his.
After a few minutes we both came out dressed.



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We decided to dress comfy because we are staying home until evening

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We decided to dress comfy because we are staying home until evening.

I came out the closet and walked towards my makeup desk. Blake was trying to find his watch somewhere.

I started to apply hydration cream and brow gel, I will put makeup later for the evening.
I started to dry my hair but not before putting my hair oil on my scalp.
Just as I started to dry my hair, Blake grabbed the dryer and started to dry my hair.
After 15 minutes my hair was finally dry and soft.
"Thank you" I thanked him and gave him a quick kiss.
"No problem baby" he said as he kissed me back.
I got up from my chair and we went downstairs for breakfast. It was now 9 am as we woke up at 7:25 from the text.

We got downstairs when Blake told me he was going to pick up something he got for me, since he didn't really get me anything for the whole 'Im pregnant' thing.
"No Blake, you were overprotective whole 4 months, gave me protection and everything I needed."
"No, Im going"
I sent him a glare but he still left the house.
That killed my mood. But, I wasn't fully angry so I made him breakfast.

Just as I was setting two plated down on the counter I heard the door opening

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Just as I was setting two plated down on the counter I heard the door opening.
"Smells nice" Blake complimented as he sent the bag on the couch and kissed me before sitting down and starting to eat his breakfast.
I started to eat mine as well, and it was amazing!
After our silence filled breakfast Blake picked me up and set me on the couch.
"What are you doing" I asked.
"There's your present" he said as he sat beside me.
I slowly took a look at the bag and opened it. There was a note.
|Go in the backyard baby
                              Waiting for you
I turned around to see no one beside me. I slowly walked away to the backyard.
I walked out to the cold weather since it was November. The cold breeze hit my face as I hugged my body, trying to warm up.
I walked on the path that was leading to the garden and saw Blake with a box.
"Come on baby" Blake said and chuckled.
I opened the box as a little kitten was sat at the corner, probably scared of the closed space and dark, but it immediately meowed when it saw me.
"Oh my God" I gasped as I took the kitten out the box and In my arms.

"Oh my God" I gasped as I took the kitten out the box and In my arms

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I walked up to Blake and kissed him. We kissed until we pulled away for breath.
"Its so amazing, I love it" I screamed at him while jumping around, petting the kitten and kissing it.

"Well, Im glad you do" Blake said and wrapped his arm around my waist.
I kissed him again as we headed back to the house. Just as we got inside we saw all the things for the kitten and put it in our room.
We sat on the couch and I let it play on the couch with it's toy while I sat in Blakes lap.
"What's it's name"  I asked.
"You pick baby" he smiled at me.
"Is it a boy or a girl" I said as I took a look at a now sleeping kitten.
"Boy" he kissed my cheek.
"Well Im naming him Garfield." I stated as we cuddled a bit more.
"Thank you so much Blake, I never had a cat" I said as he caressed my arm.
"Really?" He asked.
"Mhm" I mumbled.

In the meantime we ordered some food for lunch.
The doorbell rang at 2:30 pm.
"It must be our food, I will get  it" I said as I went to pick up our food.
When we set it on the table we started eating.

After we ate all the food, we fed Garfield that just woke up from his nap

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After we ate all the food, we fed Garfield that just woke up from his nap.
It was 3:58 and we started to watch a film.
I got a message.
Dante- see you at 6
Aurora- see ya
I told Blake that we are leaving at 5:30 and we continued to watch the film.

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