13- SICK

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                        A MONTH LATER

8 AM

Blake and I are in a wonderfull relationship now. We are doing great, no secrets between us anymore.

"hey principessa" Blake said as he comes back from the gym and  kissed my forhead.
I wasnt feeling so good, so I stayed in bed all day.
"hey" I said as I pulled the covers up my body so I was warmer.

"Still not feeling well?" Blake said as he sat on the bed, next to me.

I have  not been feeling well for the past two weeks. I did pregnancy tests and its not positive. It must be the flu or something.

"Yeah" I say and nod.
"baby I think you should get checked up" Blake says worried.
"Im okay" I say, I really dont have the energy to go to the doctors.
"Well, if you dont jump around the room and are well for 5 days, im taking you to the doctors, like it or not." Blake says as he carres my cheek and kisses me.
As we both pull back breathlessly I nod.
"words Aurora"
"alright" I chuckle.
"what do you want to do?" I say
"Well im going to take a shower and then we are going to go downstairs for breakfast"
"I want to shower too" I say.
Within a second, Blake picks me up and brings me to the shower.
I try to take off my clothes but I have no energy to unzipp my shirt. My hands seem numb.
"Here I will help you amore"
"Thank you" I say as Blake helps me unzip my shirt.
Blake turns on the bath as he puts me in the warm water to relax my muscles.
I look at him, waiting for him to undress and join me.
"Already missing me sweetheart?" Blake chuckles as I nod.
He gets in the water and sits behind me, resting my head on his chest as our legs are tangled together.
I close my eyes and relax when Blake starts messaging my hair .
He leans over and kisses my shoulder as he chuckles at my actions.
"Blake" I say.
"Hmm?" Blake humms.
"I love you" I say, truthfully.
Blake looks in my eyes, no one daring to break eye contact.
He then leans in and kisses me, a sweet loving kiss, no lust, just love.
We both pull back.
" I love you too 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑎 𝑚𝑖𝑎"
We spend the next 10 minutes washing our hair and body and laughing or splashing eachother with bubbles and water.

After 20 minutes we both get out the shower and Blake sets me on the counter and gets both of us dressed in our underwear. We then dry our hair with a hairdryer and go to our closet as Blake helps me get dressed.

Blake wears his suit because he is going to work after we eat breakfast and I wear a comfy pants and a shirt.
As we go down to the kitchen I hear Kira and David's voice.
Kira and David stayed in Italy the whole time since they left.
"Kira!" I yell as Blake sets me on the kitchen counter.
Kira laughts as she probably gpt the wrong idea of why Blake is carrying me and I shake my head..

" no no its not what you think, I am sick"
Kira smirks and nods.
"whatever you say"

                           1 Hour Later
We ate breakfast and Blake left for work 30 minutes ago. Im talking with Kira as she is telling me how beautifull Italy is and how she wants to visit it again while Dante and David are at the Kitchen having a drink.
"so yeah it was beautifull. Oh my god we have to go there together.",
Kira says as she grabs my arms and looks at me. I nod happily and we talk for more time until its 3 pm.

                             3 PM
I talked on the phone with Blake and he should be here at 6 pm as he has to visit a club to check on his stocks. We just ate dinner.
My phone rings and its a text from Louie.



-Hey im making bbq today at our  house, want to come?
=sure we will be there, 6 pm?
-perfect, bye Auri
=oh fuck you
I tell all of them the dinner informations and all of them agree.
Kira then continues to tell me how she told her family that she has a boyfriend and that they met David. Im really happy for them.

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