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"So" my mother asks me.
"How is it all going Aurora?"

"Well, we have to prepare a birthday party for Alessio, I still can't believe he will be 13 in a few days. The twins are already so big. And our little girl is growing up so fast"

I look over over to Blake and my daughter playing fighting on the couch. She is hitting him and laughing while he is acting hurt.

"Lexi is for sure a daddy's girl" my mom says and I turn around.
"She really is" I say and we talk for some more.

"Hey sweetheart, Anne" Blake says and hugs my mother.
He sits on a chair in the garden next to me.

I kiss him on the cheek.
"There you are" Blake's parents come into view and we all greeted each other.

I hear crying from the living room.
"I will go check I will be back in a minute" I say and excuse myself from the table.

Entering the house I see Lexi crying on the floor while Nick and Carlos run down the stairs, worry on their face.

"Whats wrong honey?" I say as I pick Lexi up.
"I wanted to run upstairs but I fell. It hurts mommy" she says between cries and cries harder on my shoulder.

I kiss her cheek and set her on the couch, kneeling down to check her leg.

"You scratched your knee, boys, could you stay here with Lexi while I get a bandage?" I ask and the boys nod, walking over to their sister and hugging her, trying to calm her down.

I smile and sigh, walking over to the kitchen and grabbing a Hello kitty bandage from the kitchen cabinet.

Walking back, I see Lexi has calmed down a little.
I kneel down and place a bandage over her knee. I thank the twins and kiss them on the cheek.
"We are going upstairs to play more games."
"Okay but dinner is for one hour come down then." I say and they run up the stairs.

I pick up Lexi and set her on my lap.
"You better honey?"
"It really hurts, mommy."
"I know baby, how about we go outside and you can eat a cupcake? Both your grandmas and your grandpa is here." I say and she nods.
"Can we get Mr. kitty?" She says, referring to her favorite toy she got from Alessio on her 2nd birthday.
"Sure, let's go get him" I said and took her to her room while she rested her head on my shoulder.

After we took Mr.kitty we left to the garden.

"Here they are" said Blake I sat down on the chair, Lexi still on my lap.

"Lexi fell and we had to give her a bandage and get Mr.kitty" I said.

"Give me my girl" Blake said and tried to take Lexi from me, but man does she have a strong grip.

"No I wanna stay with mommy" she said looking at Blake.

"Well im gonna take you from mommy then" he said holding Lexi and pulling her from me as she tried to hold on.

She laughed and playfully screamed.

"Daddys gonna get you" I said and fake gasped

He pulled her in his lap and kissed her head and cheek while she threw her arms around, trying to get back to me

We all laughed.
"How did you fall baby, I heard you crying." He said.
"I wanted to go upstairs but I fell" she said.
"Mommy got me a bandage, see?" She said, pointing to the Hello kitty bandage.

"I see", he said. "Were you brave while mommy put a bandage on your knee?" He asked and she nodded.

"That's my girl" He said. We spent the next 30 minutes talking while Lexi was eating the cupcake I said she could eat.

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