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I woke up alone. Again. Blake woke up extra early because he said he has some business to do. This has been going on for a week.

I sighed and got up, ignoring to make the bed and just going downstairs. The now 17 year old Alessio sat on the couch, scrolling on his phone.

"Morning, mom" he said and I sat on the couch beside him.

We spent the next hour talking before the kids came downstairs.

I went to make breakfast. It was exhausting, I haven't talked to Blake in a while, and I didn't know what was going on.

I felt hands creeping up my waist and a hard body leaning on me.

"Hey sweetheart" Blake said and kissed my cheek.

"Hey" I said and continued cooking.
"Is your work done?" I said.

"Yes, and I can't wait to surprise you with it" he said and hugged me closer.

I chuckled and prepared the plates while Blake was looking over my shoulder, still leaning on me.

After a few minutes we were all seated on the table.

"So, I have something to tell you guys" Blake said and all the kids looked up to him.

"We are moving to a new house."


We were on the way to our new house.
After a few days after Blake announced our moving, we started packing.

The kids have been so exited for this day, but I didn't. I mean, all of my kids grew up there and I loved the house.

But, I know it's better to move out since the kids are getting older.

The house was beautiful.
All of us got out of the car and walked in. The kids were familiar with this house, since they were here to tour the house and choose their rooms.

Blake held his arm on the lower part of my back and showed me our room while the kids unpacked.

"Its beautiful" I said as I looked at the room.
It was extremely big, bigger than our old room. It had a walk in closet and a bathroom which were also huge.

Blake moved away from me and laid on the bed. "Come here" he said and patted the spot next to him.

I walked to him tiredly and flopped on the bed. He laughed and pulled me up to lie on top of him.

Having to care for 4 kids was hard. I mean, the older ones weren't so needy and energetic.
But hell, Lexi was killing my energy.

Blake noticed my tired state and just played with my hair.

We were just relaxing and beginning to fall asleep.

"Daddy!" Lexi screamed and walked in the room.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Will I really have to wear that dress to the party, it's so itchy" she whined.

"No whining lexi" he said as his serious side came out.

"Im sure it's like that because it's new. We have to wash it so it doesn't itch." I said and she nodded and kissed our cheeks.

"Im sorry I yelled mommy, I saw you and daddy wanted to sleep" she said, her lower lip quivering.

I opened my arms and she hugged me as Blake kissed her head.

She regained her energy and left the room.

"Lets take a quick nap" Blake said and I nodded quickly and cuddled up close to him.


I was getting ready in the bathroom.
We were hosting a house party in our new house and a lot of people are going to come.

"You look amazing sweetheart" Blake said and I glanced at the bathroom mirror to see him leaning against the door.

I chuckled and he came behind me and hugged my waist.

"Im so tired" he said and I fixed his hair.

"We will have to get trough it" I said as the 2 hours of nap time weren't enough for either of us.

He nodded and stayed behind me while I did finishing touches on my makeup and hair.

We both got dressed.
Blake was wearing a black suit, his signature look.
I was wearing a dark blue dress. Alessio and the twins wore suits and Lexi wore a pink dress with bows.

The party was going well, everyone was friendly and nothing was out of place.

We got a lot of compliments for the house and us, our friends reminded us of old times, and the kids were being kids, playing around and being praised by older people.

"Thank God it's over" Blake said as the last guest finally left the house and Blake closed the doors behind them.

I chuckled as the kids went upstairs to get ready for bed.

We sat on the couch cuddling before the kids came downstairs and wished us good night.

Blake and I went to our room.

"Im so tire-" I said before Blake pinned me to the wall and kissed me. It was a hungry kiss, full of lust.
I kissed back, our lips moving in sync as I needed the relaxation.

"You look so fucking hot right now"  he said and kissed my neck while I moaned and tugged on his hair.

"You don't look too bad" I said and he chuckled before kissing me again and taking my dress off as fast as he could.

I pushed him on the bed, taking my time to lock the doors and get on top of him.

"Let me help you relax" I said and slowly unbuttoned his pants and took off his belt.

He threw his head back, quickly bringing it back up as he carresed my head with his hands.

I took his hard cock in my hands and slowly licked around the tip, while holding eye contact with him.

"Can you take it all baby?" He said and smirked.

I smirked before spitting on his cock and smearing it around with my hands.

"Your such a tease" he said and flipped us over, so that I was on the bottom.

I gasped and pulled him in a kiss, taking off his shirt.
He took his clothes off and got up, moving me to the edge of the bed before slowly getting on his knees and kissing the panties fabric softly, earning a quiet moan from me.

He ripped the underwear and threw it away before completely eating me out. He was everything I needed.

My legs were already shaking and I was close to finish before he got up and slammed into me before I could say anything.

I gasped and grabbed the bed sheets as I moved around to get used to his size.

"You feel so good around me baby" he said and slammed into me faster.

"Look at you, all wet and tight for me" he said and I nodded, needing to finish

"Do you need to come, baby?" He said, the voice almost getting me to finish.

"Yes" I breathed out and looked at him with innocent eyes.

"Well ur going to hold it for me, can you do that?" He asked and my eyes wide open as he smirked, pulling up my leg and placing it over his shoulder.

" I cant anymore" I said stuttering.

"Cum for me baby" he said and I threw my head back in pleasure as he continued to slam into me.

"Such a good girl" He said, rubbing my clit.

After a few more rounds we were done.

"Blake"  I moaned out, flopping on the bed next to him.

He got up and grabbed a towel before cleaning both of us up and cuddling up to me in the bed.

"You okay?" He asked and kissed my head.

"Yeah" I said and chuckled.

I soon fell asleep on Blake's chest as he played with my hair, whispering only sweet things in my ear.

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