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I woke up today at 9; 25 to the water sounds coming from the bathroom only to notice that Blake is not next to me, but in the shower.

I sat on the bed as I started thinking.

Shit. I will get married. I will have a baby in less that 1 year. I will probably spend all my time with my kids untill I get old and die.

I tought about it deeply for some time, not noticing that Blake was now standing in front of me.

"Earth to Aurora" Blake said as he smirked at me.

"Sorry I zoned out" I smiled.
The scooped me in his arms as he walked to the bathroom and set me on the counter.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked as he started to get his shaving supplies from the cabinets.
"I need to shave my beard, and you are keeping me company until Im done" he replied as he pecked my lips.
I nodded as I moved to get myself comfortable on the cold counter.

"So." Blake said.
"Hmm?" I hummed.
"What did you think about when you zoned out"
"Oh just everything, we are getting married, having a baby and everything" I said as I explained to him about all the baby stuff we will need and the things we need for the wedding.

Blake chuckled as he finished shaving and scooped me in his arms once again.
"You sure know how to make plans, principessa." Blake said as he walked to the kitchen.
"You know I can walk, right?" I asked him and sending him a glare.
"Get used to it, you wont be able to walk soon" Blake said as he smirked at me, slapping my but.
"Eww" I joked as he set me on the counter.
He started to take out things from the fridge as I took a look around the room.
"Where is everyone, the house is empty" I asked.
"They all left so we could have some time together" Blake said, baking the eggs on the stove.
"What will we do?" I asked.


"First, I will eat my breakfast. Then we will cuddle and then-" he said as he leaned in my ear.
"-then my princess, I will fuck you so hard in every way that the only name you remember is mine. You wont walk for so long.." he said as he played with a strand of my hair.
That made me wet so I pressed my legs together.
He probably noticed as he smirked at me.
"Is this pussy wet for me?" Blake slowly said as he pulled up my skirt and traced his fingers over the lace that covered my sex.
"Y-yes" I whimpered out.

"Well, then we  better take care of it, alright?" Blake asked me as he pulled my hair, making me look up at him.
"Yes" I choked out.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes sir."
"Good girl" Blake said as he rubbed my clit.

I moaned out.
"Get on your knees" Blake ordered.
I got on my knees and waited for Blake to unzip his pants.
"Open your dirty mouth" Blake said as he stroked his hard cock.
I opened my mouth as he put his 3 fingers in my mouth, pushing them in and out. I sucked on them and held eye contact with Blake.
"Spit" Blake ordered as he pulled put his fingers and I spit on them.
He moved his hand back and spread my saliva over his dick, making it easier to stroke.
"Such a slut, aren't you?" Blake said as he roughly threw me on the couch.
"Yes" I whispered.
"Say it" He said as he slowly kneeled down and ripped off my panties.
"Im a slut" I whimpered.
"Louder." He said as he slowly began eating me out, moving his fingers in and out of me as he licked on my clit, looking up at me.
"Im a slut! Im a slut!" I screamed as my legs began trembling from the pleasure.
Blake nodded and got up, leaving me hot and wet.
"Arch your back" Blake said as he teared up my shirt and pinched my nipples between his fingers.
I arched my back as he lined up with my entrance and slowly pushed himself in me, stretching me.
I screamed my moan out as tears started brimming my eyes, my vision blurred until he was all the way in me. He let me get used to his size before slowly pumping himself in and out of me, slowly before he started slamming in me in a feverish rage.
I moaned.
"Such a dirty slut" Blake said as he pulled on my hair.
"Yes!" I yelled and I felt myself slowly coming.
"I-Im so close" I whimpered.
"Hold it in and wait" Blake said as he slapped my ass and gripped on it, leaving a red mark on my but.
"P-please sir let me cum, I cant hold it anymore" I pleaded Blake with tears in my eyes.
"Just a little more, be a good girl and hold it in, yeah?" Blake said as I nodded my head.
After he slammed into me some more, I couldn't stop it anymore.
"I can't hold it anymore" I whispered.
"Cum for me" Blake was ordered as he continued to slam into me.
I screamed out as a relief feeling washed over me.
Blake got on his knees and began eating me out. My legs began shaking from the pleasure but he only held my legs apart hardly.
After he was finished, he kissed me, letting me taste myself.
We kissed more and he stood up, taking me in his arms and took us to the bedroom.

"Stay here" Blake said as he put me on the bed, leaving to the closet.
I stayed put and realized that I was acting like a pet, obeying him. But, I didn't care.
He came back with a collar and put it around my neck.
"Are you my pet?" He said.
"Yes" I said.
He spit on my face and smeared it across it.
"Such a good girl" Blake said and put his cock in my mouth as I started sucking it slowly.
I held eye contact as I tried fitting him in my mouth and pumped the parts I couldnt get in my mouth. He gripped my throat and spitted on my face once again.
He took out his phone and took a picture.
I stopped sucking him as he roughly pushed me on my knees and slmmed himself in me from the back.
After a while of that, I began riding him.
Blake held my hips and groaned.
"Such a pretty little thing" he groaned out as he slapped my ass.
I nodded and got off him as he was close.
He then jerked himself in front of me while I opened my mouth.
"Listen here, Im going to make you pretty. Close your mouth and open your eyes, don't close them and don't you dare try getting it off, because, tonight, you are going to walk around with my load, yes?" He asked as he groaned out. I slowly nodded as he began cumming on my face, my eyelids, cheeks, lips. Just everywhere.
He then took his phone again and took a picture.

After he was done, we slowly washed each other in the bathroom, of course not my face.
We ordered and ate lunch.
Right now, we were talking outside until I slowly began to sleep, leaning against Blake's shoulders.
"Sleep well, my love" I heard Blake say before I drifted off to sleep.

The Mafias PrincipessaWhere stories live. Discover now