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AN( hellooo, sorry for the long wait. I'm thinking of ending this story for a few more chapters as I am working on another story, i will give you more details soon. Im very sorry for the wait, thats why i prepared you a longer chapter. Enjoy and let me know if you liked it!)



"Are we there yet?" Alessio asked as he looked out the

"Soon Alessio" I said as I looked back to see Alessio looking out the window and the twins sleeping in their seats.

I sighed and looked over at Aurora.

"How is my baby doing?" I asked as I continued to drive.
"Better" she answered and smiled as she carresed her stomach.
I stopped at the red light and turned my head in her direction.
"Now, how is the love of my life doing?" I asked and kisses her softly.
"Tired" she answered and sighed.

Aurora is currently 4 months pregnant and today we are going to a family reunion to find out the gender of the baby. Kira and Sarah are planning the gender reveal.

Alessio is 8, his birthday is in a few months.
The twins turned 4 already, their birthday is under 2 weeks.

I continued to drive to the restaurant.
"I love you" I said and held Auroras hand.
"I love you too Blake" She replied and rested her head on my shoulder.

We arrived an hour later and walked in the restaurant with the kids.

I held Auroras hand as the twins ran into separate ways.
Alessio stayed on Auroras side, holding her hand.

After we greeted the guests quickly, we went to get seated and put our things down.

"Mommy" Alessio said.
"Yes honey" Aurora replied.
He leaned over his chair and whispered something in her ear.
Aurora looked at me while he was still whispering.
She took him in his arms and left the restaurant, walking out in the garden and sat on the bench.

I watched them talk as I noticed Aurora wiping his cheek and hugging him. I got up, excused myself and left to go to them.

I heard soft cries as I heard Aurora reassuring him.

I went behind him and held him in my arms as I sat back on the bench.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

He looked over at Aurora and she was looking at him smiling lightly.

"I really want a sister" He said and cried out, hugging me.

Alessio found out about his sister by accident, we wanted to tell him when he was older. Ever since then, he wanted a sister.

After 20 minutes of talking, we went back in the restaurant. Alessio went to see his friends and Aurora and I sat back on the table.

I held her hand as I know she was feeling sad. Every time someone talks about her, she gets sad and feels bad about everything.

I kissed her cheek as we saw my parents walking over.

After both long and short conversations with the guests, we finally sat down to eat.

I looked up across the table, on our table was just us 5.

"Are you guys excited?" I asked and broke the silence.

The twins said yes and continued to eat their food as Aurora and Alessio stayed quiet.
I nodded and looked over to Aurora. I held her hand under the table.
She looked at me and smiled softly.
"Im going to the restroom" she said and got up.
I nodded and looked over to Alessio.
"You okay buddy?" I asked and he nodded.

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