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Wow. I am going to be a parent. I can't believe it.
Im really happy for this. Im happy that Aurora gave me this opportunity and didn't leave me.

"Hello" I said for the second time, first for my family and Kira, and now, to Louie, Anne, Sarah and the twins.
My family were already seated in the back, my dad and brothers preparing the grill outside.
"Uncle Blakey" the two girls said in unison and ran up to me, jumping in my arms.
I fixed my posture and held each one in my arms.
"How are my favorite nieces?" I asked them as I kissed their foreheads.
"You mean only nieces?" Laura spoke up.
I chuckled as I watched Louie coming in with a sttoller.
"There is Stella" Louie said.

"Im here!" Luciano yelled from the front doors.

I hugged him and we all went outside.
Aurora was outside talking with Kira and they soon invited Sarah, Anne and the twins, probably to check up and gossip.
"I will hold her, don't worry" I heard Louie say to Sarah.
She kissed his cheek and nodded.
I took a few steps to Louie.
"So" I started.
"How is the life with one more girl" I asked Louie.
"Its amazing, honestly" He said as he looked at little Stella with love.
"Can I hold her?" I asked him.
"Yeah of course" he replied.

We (boys) grilled the BBQ and talked untill it was done.
We set it on the table and we all sat around, me sitting next to Aurora.

I noticed Aurora being nervous, her legs were shaking and her arms were gripping everything they could reach.

"Dont stress, they will be happy" I whispered to her as I held her hand. She nodded and intervened her fingers with mine. She then stood up, making everyone silent.
"We have an announcement" she spoke up.
Then it was scilence.
Everyone was confused.
"We are having a baby" Aurora announced.
Everyone started cheering and we're starting to get up to embrace Aurora in a hug and to give her a few kisses.

"Wait, we have one more announcement" I said

                          *flashback starting*

I leaned against the door of the bathroom. I left to the bathroom.
My family just came here and I began getting nervous. I was going to propose to Aurora. I took a look at the diamond ring in front of me and smiled. I never tought  I was going to propose to someone.

"Blake is everything okay?" Aurora's voice broke my toughts and I quickly put the box in my trousers.
"Yeah, coming out" I replied.
I heard her footsteps fading down the stairs as I took a deep breath. Fuck it. I left the room just in time I heard the doorbell ring,meaning that Aurora's family was here.


                             *Flashbacks over*

"What" Aurora said as I got down on my knee.
Aurora gasped as I held her hand.

"Aurora, God granted me the gift of life, and he sent you to my life to create LOVE. I believe today that we were made for each other, and I would not want to give anything up for you. We have opened life's book together and with you and me writing the pages, there are still more chapters to be completed. Let us ride into the future together darling. I respect you a lot. I will never in my life, hurt you. You deserve the best from me, and I promise to make all your dreams come true. I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. When I look into your eyes, I can see a reflection of the two of us and the life I hope we'll share together. Life offers many challenges. I know I can meet them if you're willing to face them with me.
When I met you, I knew I'd met my match. It was only a matter of time until we arrived at this moment. How it turns out is all in your hands.
You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one?"

I finished talking as I looked at Aurora, tears staining her cheeks and her eyes focused on me.

She suddenly jumped in my arms.
"Yes!" She replied as I spun her around, kissing her at the sound of cheering and whispering behind us. We heard the cameras click, but we didn't care. We were happy.



We celebrated and ate dinner with our families.
Aurora stood by my side the whole time.
We got a lot of tips from our parents and Louie and Sarah.

" son, can you come for a moment?" I heard my parents ask.
"Of course" I kissed Aurora's cheek and left to the garden.

"We are so proud of you, Blake" my mother said as she embraced me in a hug.
"Thank you" I hugged her back.

" look,son." My father called out.
"Yes?" I asked.
" I am really proud of you, and I wish you the best. Aurora is an amazing girl and Im happy for you. I can't wait till the baby arrives" he said hugging me.
"Thank you dad" I smiled as we talked and walked around the garden for some time.

                 4 HOURS LATER


My parents just left.
I went up to our bedroom to see Aurora sleeping on the bed

I smiled and took my laptop, only to find some pictures of my proposal and celebration taken.

I smiled at the photos and took a shower, but not before setting the proposal photo sent on my background.
After I took the shower, I got my KC boxers on and went to the bed. I laid down and turned around to kiss Aurora's cheek. She stirred and turned around to cuddle up to me, laying down on my chest. I played with her hair and caressed her arms.
" I love you Aurora, thank you" I whispered to her as I began drifting off to sleep.

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