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I woke up and felt wires connected to my body. Am I in a hospital?
I suddently got flashbacks.


I got in the car, Aurora's cold body pressing against mine.
"She is here!" I yelled for the doctor who immediately pushed past me and started to check on Aurora's health.
"Sir we have to stop at the nearest hospital"
I noded and told my driver to go to the nearest hospital.
"There is nothing I can do whitout more doctors and professional devices"
I took a slow breath and went to Aurora. I held her small beaten body and started to give her CPR, hoping that it will somehow help her.
I put my finger behind her neck, nothing, I began panicking when my fingers found a little pulse, a very weak pulse.
"Im so sorry, Im so sorry" I began to say.
"We are here sir" my driver yelled and I immediately rushed out the car and in hospital.

"WE NEED HELP" I yelled and in a second, doctors, nurses and surgeons are running past me, putting Aurora on a hospital bed and taking her away from me.
"Sir please follow me we need to check your leg"
A nurse said. I looked at my leg, it was swollen and red from blood. I didnt ever realize. I slowly limped towards the room, declining the nurse asking to put me in a chair first.

They asked me about Aurora.
"She was kidnaped"

Hours passed and I was getting more frustrated and guilty. They asked me questions, while nurses were treating my leg.
They took the bullet out and stiched me up.

"Where is Aurora?"
"Emergency surgery sir"
I noded and felt myself slowly falling asleep"

"Aurora, where is Aurora?!" I yelled as the nurse looked at me wide eyed, probably not expecting me to yell.

"She is stable but weak, we are giving her best treatment."

"I want to see her"
And they took me to her.
"I will leave you two" The doctor that was checking up on Aurora said as he noticed my presence.
I noded and walked over to her bed.
She was still asleep, thankfully alive.
I sat on the chair beside her bed and slowly looked at her.
"Im so sorry" I whispered and started crying.
She then began to open her eyes, looking at me confused, probably not expecting me, not expecting to be alive.
She looked at me, with tears in her eyes, daring to spill out any second.
"I am so sorry Aurora" I whispered while holding her hand, afraid she is going to break from my touch.
She looked at me again.
"Who are you?" She whispered. The motion of her even opening her mouth paining her.
I froze.
"Im Blake, im your boyfriend" I said and she furrowed her brows at me.
"What happened? Why am I here?"
I told her everything, what I did wrong and how sorry I was about it.
After talking I gave her a minute for her to sink all the information in.
She slowly looked at me.
"It's alright Blake"
It was silent.
"Blake of course I remember you, I just wanted to see if you would tell me the truth"
I snapped my face away from her, breaking eye contact between us.
"Im sorry" I heard her whisper, trying to hold in the cry.
I turned towards her and held her hand, trying to comfort her.
"Shh it's okay" I said and carefully carresed her cheeks that were now stained with tears.

She slowly leaned in and we kissed. I was careful with her of course.
"Lay with me please" she whispered to me.
" I cant" I said, chuckling.
"I will hurt you with my big, muscular body that you love so much" I said.

"Okay then"
I then kissed her goodbye as we talked for a few more hours. I was going home to shower and picking us both clothes then coming back, because im not leaving her any time soon again.

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