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I wake up feeling sore. I remember
everything from last night, since I wasnt so drunk. I look next to me where Blake is laying asleep. I kiss him and he mumbles and puts his arm around me, pulling me into his chest.
" good morning principessa"
"are you sore"
I nod.
I then try to get up, failing and falling on the floor. I hear Blake chuckle and picking me up, carrying me downstairs, putting me on the kitchen counter while he makes breakfast.
"That smells good"  I say smelling the waffles.
"I know honey"
"This is really akward"
I kiss him and he leans on the counter, standing between my legs.
"not when your sore baby" he says moving away.
I smile and look at him, he had his CK shorts and a white t-shirt on.
"Eat up" He says, handing me a plate. I moan at the taste, this was delicious.
Blake smiled at my actions.
"so" I say, putting my fork down while Blake looks at me.
"What are we doing today?"

"Well you for sure arent doing anything principessa" Blake says, smirking at me.
"Well I will just eat icecream all day then." I say, feeling bored already.
"No you wont"

We spent the whole day watching movies, talking, kissing and eating everything we saw. It was now 3 am and I cant sleep , I kiss Blakes forehead out of boredom.
"Why arent you asleep, trying to run again, little mouse?"
"Maybe" I say, playing with his hair
"Dont stop I will fall asleep"
"Then Im risking it" I say as I move my hand and getting comfortable on the other side of the bed..
"Fuck honey you sure know how to mess with me"
"I know" I say.

I end up next to Blake, sleeping peacefully.

                       2 MONTHS LATER
I am coming home from visiting a casino in San Diego.
I hear my phone ring.
"she is gone Blake" Luciano says
"Who is gone" I say, preparing for the worst.
"Fuck" I say, hanging up and speeding to the mansion.
When I arrive I see a worried Kira and a alert David.
"Where is she!" Kira yells.
"We dont know we will find her Kira"
Kira starts crying and David takes her in the house.

I get to my office and wonder where could she be, but no idea comes to mind.

I wake up in a cell.. I dont remember anything. What the hell happend?
Where am I?
Where is Blake?
"Hey bitch" I hear someone say.
"What do you want from me"
"I want to see him suffer"
"To see who suffer?"
"Blake Russo"
I freeze.
And then they started. More men coming into the room, using my body for pleasure and beating me.
(I wont leave details as its a sensitive topic for me)
I scream and fight, but its worthless. Every time a man used me, i felt more worthless.

Right now they left, leaving me all beaten up and sore. Leaving me marked and tired. Leaving me scared.

I get in a corner and cry myself until I doze off.

                    1 MONTH AFTER

We still havent found her, but we are on the tracks. Yesterday we got a picture of Aurora, all beaten up and pale. I couldnt feel after that. I felt furious for letting myself taking this long to find her.I cant imagine loosing Aurora.We teamed up with the american mafia since both our mafias dont support sexualizing or raping children, men or women in any way. We will find you Aurora, just please hold on, I think to myself..

Honestly, I wish I wasn't here. I lost all my hope in ever living again. Im so tired and I feel dirty. Every day is the same, rape and beatings. I sit in the corner as they gave me a water bottle and a piece of bread, saving it since they feed me once a week. I didnt forget about Blake, I miss him. I just dont feel anything.

             2 MONTHS AFTER:
We found her and we are on our way to fight with the fucking Polish mafia.. They sure know how to annoy me at the worst time.
Its been 3 months and Im not even sure Aurora is alive. If she isnt I dont know what will I do. She is my everything. We have over 330 men figthing. They are going to lose and they know it. We send snipers around their mansion in Warsaw.
They will regret missing with me.

After we get to our destination, we ask Dante to tell us where the cells are, since he isnt with us but at America helping us.    "The cells are in the basement, go right the hallway and move unlock the door. The PIN is 73790."

We get ready and begin running. Killing every man that isnt ours and getting past security wasnt that hard. Now we hit the mansion. We get into a room and look for any bullets or anything that can help us.

As im sitting on the dirty cell floor,slowly dying as im loosing blood fast, I hear gunshots above my cell. Could it be Blake?

As I fight I get to my destination, the basement.
Max, the Polish mafia leader isnt even here, but in Canada.Dumb fuck.
I unlock the doors and walk in the basement with David,Luciano and my men. Its silent. Im scared, not of what kind of people are here, but scared of this being the last time seeing Aurora alive.
I walk trought the cells when I notice a small, skinny girl laying on the dirty cell floor. I open the door and slowly lift her body seeing Aurora's face pale, sick and tired.

The Mafias PrincipessaWhere stories live. Discover now