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I woke up by the sudden banging on the cell door.
I was taken in yesterday, I woke up here. Its so cold and empty. I miss home. I want Blake to find me. Im so scared.

"Wake up bitch" I heard a man yell, I slowly opened my eyes, my body sore and hurting from the beatings I recived yesterday.
I dont know where I am.
I looked over at the door, a little window that now showed a face of a man, looking straight at me.
I took in my surroundings, a small window, a light bulb thats barely working now and a toilet in the other room.
2 men grabbed me and took me out the room, my knees brushing against the cold and dirty floor. I was brought in another cell, getting tied up and gagged.
I stared at the men infront of me, seeing nothing but regret in their eyes, knowing either they feel bad for me or something really bad is about to happend. I closed my eyes, soon opening them up from feeling a slap across my face.
"Hello hello" I heard someone say before a cloth was put over my mouth and I fell unconsious.

3 days have passed, we still couldn't find her. Whoever got her was good, I mean, still not found when the biggest fucking mafia is after you, thats brave. When I find the person that has Aurora, they are going to die slowly and painfully.

"Did you hear me" Luciano said, furrowing his eyebrows at me.
I shook my head no.
"Well we found this in front of the door in the middle of the night, no one looked at it" Luciano said, holding a CD.
I grabbed it and set it in my computer. I opened the file and there it was.
Aurora's photo. She was covered in blood, obviously not awake. Her face, it was pale, blood seeping out the cut on her forehead. Her arms and legs numb. Her body bruised on the floor from the tight ropes that will for sure leave a mark. She looked skiny, too skinny for my liking. She didnt look healthy. Fuck, she didnt even look alive.

My blood started to boil. The person who did this must be fucking around. I hate this, not being able to help Aurora, not being by her side when she isnt good.
I slammed a hand on the computer, breaking it completly. Lucious left the room after giving me the CD.
After an hour of drinking my pain and guilt away, I started trowing things across my office.
"Woah buddy calm down" Dante said as he entered the room.
"How the fuck can I calm down!? They have Aurora. She might be dead!" I yelled, tears now forming in my eyes, hoping that the morning when I last see her smile, wouldnt be the last time i saw it.
I sat on my chair as tears started spilling out my eyes. Dante comforted me. I felt so useless. I didnt know what to do.

"Listen, I will call a meeting in 2 hours, get yourself cleaned up and sober, maybe get some sleep. We will try to make a plan. Be there" He said as he left the room.
I did just that, I showered and took care of myself, when 2 hours passed, I got ready and left the room.

I woke up in my old cell, 3 days have passed, the beatings never stopped. Im so tired, Blake never came.

"You notice that Blake doesnt care, he isnt coming for you" Is a thing I heard everyday. And I kinda started to belive it. I lost hope, for love, for living, for loving, for trusting, for Blake. I was aware these were the last moments that I had, I lost too much blood. I made peace with death.

I still didnt figure out who took me, I was always unconsious when I got beaten. And I was tired of it, waking up with blood seeping out my body, never having energy to move, to open my eyes. Today was the day, as everyone said, that I die. And I was okay with it.

After the meeting that we had, I got a call.

-hello hello. I belive I have your sweet Eva, tonight, 11PM, the drugyard.


I was confused but I was relived, Im bringing Eva home, im killing the motherfucker who took her away from me.

Ofcousrse I wasnt going alone. The person wasnt alone aswell. I set up my team and told them the plan. They go and park with our SUV's a few blocks away from the drugyard. They bring the doctor and aid kits. We are going to fight. This is a war.

At 10PM Dante, David, Louie, Luciano and I got ready and left, one of our men with us, the other ones already there, a few blocks away.

We got there and It was quiet.
Too quiet.
I stood in the middle of the yard, waiting. My snipers covering all around the yard, ready to shoot.
I prepared myself, I was ready.

At 11PM sharp, a man came out. Holding a limp body,dragging it on the floor. He set it on the floor,the body falling and laying down on the concrete.
"Thats her" The man said laughing. I didnt recognise the man, but I also couldnt recognise Eva, she looked so different.
I sighed and then it started, firing gunshots, men running around, fighthing. People falling dead.
I began to run towards Eva, run. Save her. The bastard began running, and I let him, I just needed Eva.

I took long and fast stride towards Eva, hoping that she is okay, that she is alive. I needed her. I needed her with me, I needed her alive.

I fell next to her limp body, the body that was cold and beaten, pale and skinny. I carefully took her in my arms, running to the car that the doctors in.

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