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Just as I was heading to the bathroom my phone rang.It was Kira and I answered.



=hey girll
- h-hey Aurora
=What happend?
- Aurora
= yes?
- I think I might be pregnant
- I dont know what happend, I-I tought we used protection.
- I dont know what to do
=Its going to be okay, take a test and tell me if its positive, when you come to America we will talk it will be okay dont overreact
-thank you Aurora
= I know David isnt going to leave you. Congrats Kira.
-okay I love you I have to go
=love you too baby mama
- *laughting* bye

_______call ended___________________

Well that was a suprise. I do my buisniess in the bathroom and head back only to find them all laughting and Dante sitting in silence and looking....sad?

"hey Dante can you come help me in the kitchen?"
"I can he-" Blake says and I cut him off with a stare

"yeah sure" Dante says and we go to the kitchen.

"Dante what happend? You know I dont like seeing you sad"
I send him a glare wich he chuckles too.
I smile in victory.

"I just cant find love like Blake and David" he sighs.

"Dante, you are an amazing boy and Im sure girls are falling for you. Cmon your only 19. You will find someone you just have to be patient." I say, patting his shoulder.
I then hug him.
We hug for God knows how long and then we pull back.

"Dante if you ever need someone to talk to im here, okay?" I say
"yeah, thank you Aurora, I appricate it." Dante says.

As im talking to mamma and papa I notice Dante is being silent. I then see my principessa.
"Hey Dante can you come help me in the kitchen?"
I am about to protest to go there and help her myself when she sends me a 'dont you fucking dare finish that sentacnce' glare.
Dante nods and leaves to the kitchen next to Aurora.
They come back after 30 minutes and Dante looks happier.
I send a wink to Aurora as she smiles back at me. As the time passes Aurora looks serious because the theme we are talking about and that turned me on even more. I excuse myself and leave to the bathroom to take a cold shower. I come back downstairs just as my parents were heading to somewhere. "Honey we are going to take a walk, you, Aurora and Dante stay here."
"yes mamma"


20 minutes after they leave I fall asleep on the couch.

Everyone saw how turned on Blake was at the couch, so I decide to give him a little reward.

            Sex[_]al scenes ahead!
          till the end of the chapter

I go to our room and get the black lace set I bought for these kind of occasions.

After getting dressed I went downstairs and woke Blake up.

Just as I was having a dirty dream, Aurora woke me up in a lacy underwear set. Fuck.
She knew. She grabbed my hand and pulled me in our bedroom where I saw different kinds of toys. Oh man fuck me. I grabbed and kissed Aurora hard, feeling my dick twich even more. I pushed her to the bed and took off my clothes, leaving me in my boxers. I slowly began taking off her set when she got on her knees and pulled down my boxers.
She spat on my dick like the bad  fucking girl she is and spread it around my dick. She then took me in her mouth and started bobbing her head back and forth while looking up at me.
I moaned out and grabbed her hair and pushed her head until she gagged. After some time we both breathlessly pulled back.
"you ok with this?"
"fuck yeah"
I put her on the bed, her ass up in the air as her head was on the pillow.
I grabbed a vibrator and started to fuck her from the back, making her take all of my cock in her little pussy that was so wet, I slipped in so easly. Aurora was a moaning mess by now. We made out like that and then I grabed a whip, telling her I will be nice. I told her to hold the whip in her mouth as I was fucking her from the back, hitting her ass with the whip every time she let the whip fall from her mouth.
After that I turned her over, lowering myself towards her sex while she was shaking from the pleasure.

Blake's tounge started licking and thrusting in and out of me as I screamed out my moan while he rubbed my clit.
"Im so close Blake"
" come for me darling" so I did just that.
He then started pounding into me like crazy, making my walls tighten once again at this sweet feeling. I forgot how good this felt, our bodies against eachothers.
He pinched my nip and I was shaking from the pleasure.
"fuck amore im so close"
"yes Blake,yes"
He started fucking me even harder if possible, making me arch my back and moan out his name.
" yes baby moan for me"
I then felt him relase in me as we both fell breathlessly on the bed.
He went to the bathroom and cleaned us both up.
Then he took us to the bed and where we  soon fell asleep .

The Mafias PrincipessaWhere stories live. Discover now