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I woke up at 9 am and got a message Blake's family would visit us at the time of dinner.
I got a message. It was a photo of me and Blake sleeping together.
Blake gave me a new phone and put his and his familys contacts in, aswell as my familiy's. ______________________________________

 ______________________________________                  Unknown

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-Umm who is this

its Luciano
-Oh alr, thanks for the picture
-  ;)

I set his number in my contacts and put the photo on my lock screen.
I decided to call Luciano and ask where Blake is because I havent seen him all morning.


-hey Luciano
-where is Blake
=we are at the training mansion, some newbies coming in and Blake is loosing his patience
-oh alright bye


I decided to ask Dante to bring me to Blake and he agreed.

We sat in his car as we listened to The Weekend all the way.
When we arrived we went to the training area and oh. My. Gosh.

"You arent holding it right" I told a newbie who apologized and did it right. I then saw Aurora at the doors looking at everybody in the room. I realized no one had a shirt on. I walked up to Aurora and picked her up, her wrapping her legs around my waist as I left the room..
"What are you doing here principessa?" I said, pining us to the wall.
"I was bored" she said.
I smirked and trailed my hand on her tights.
She moans lightly
"not here" she whispered
"not when you have to teach a newbie class" she smiled to me

I kissed her once more and we walked inside the training area.

"I think I will go now" she said hugging me.
"Ok amore"

She left 10 minutes later with Dante and I continued to teach the newbies with Luciano.

                            3 HOURS LATER
I was at the mansion with Sofia, Antonio and Dante as we were waiting for Blake.
David and Kira decided to go to Italy and to stay there since Blake's parents are going to stay here for a couple of days.

Just as we were talking I felt someone hugging me from the back and placing light kisses on my neck. I turned around and kisses Blake and smiled at him
"hi" I said smiling
"hey" he said in his husky deep voice
"sit next to me"
He noded

I couldnt take my eyes away from her.She was beautiful.
"um Blake" Aurora said chuckling.
I then realized I was holding her tight on my lap and she couldnt leave. I smirked
"I have to use the restroom" she said smiling

I gave her a peck on the lips and let her to go. As she was walking away I  couldnt hel put stare at that fine shaped-
"EARTH TO BLAKE!" My mamma (mom) said.
"yes Im sorry"
"What are you planning to do for her birthday?"
shit. Her birthday is in a week.
"Aurora told me she didnt want anything but I will get her something, of course"
"you better" my mamma said glaring in my way with my papa (dad) laughing and staring at my mother.
I cant wait for me and Aurora to be like this.

The Mafias PrincipessaWhere stories live. Discover now