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(AN: Im sorry for posting a month later, I started school and its been kind of busy. I will try and be more active for you guys!)

                        BLAKE'S POV:

Its been 4 months since the funeral. Aurora is healing, she is trying. This whole thing hurt her, especially because it was her first child.
We are doing fine, Alessio is healthy.

I wake up to the sound of a baby crying.
4;26 AM. Oh shit. I look over at Aurora, who is getting ready to get out of the bed to get Alessio from his crib, but i push her back on the bed and kiss her forehead before she can get up.
"Let me get him" I whisper and make my way to Alessio's room.
I walk inside the room and gently get Alessio in my arms, cradling him in my arms.
"Wanna sleep with me and mommy" I ask. He stops crying as I say the word "mommy" and suddenly he is all interested.
I sigh and walk to our bedroom, where I see Aurora peacefully sleeping on the bed. I put Alessio in the middle, between me and Aurora, and hold him so he doesn't fall during the night.

                                      AURORA'S POV:

"Yes?" I say, accepting the call I just got from Blakes mother.
I woke up a few hours ago, Blake went to the gym, and Alessio wanted to come  with him.
"Hey honey" she says.
"Oh hey" I greet.
"I wanted to invite you for dinner tonight, if you are free, I just miss my grandchild" She says and I chuckle.
"Wow so you just miss my son, not your sons wife?" i sarcastically ask as I get myself a cup of ice cream and sit down at the table.

"Of course I do, Aurora" she says and laughs.

We spend the next few minutes getting over the details for tonight.

"Bye" I reply hanging up the call.
I sigh as I scroll on my phone for a while until my attention is now on Blake and Alessio. Blake walks in holding Alessio and putting him in his high chair as he gives him his bottle to drink.
I get up and walk toward Blake, hugging him, needing comfort. With the baby, the funeral, the every night crying, Blake and I haven't gotten much time to spend together. But when we do have time, we are too exhausted to do anything but sleep.
"Hey darling" He says and chuckles as he lifts me up, holding he like he just held Alessio.

"Your mom invited us for dinner, Its at 6" I say and kiss him on the cheek.
"Okay baby" He replies and we spend the next hour trying to get Alessio to sleep, and then the next hour cuddling, before he woke up again.

"Im going to get ready" I say and head upstairs.
"Okay!" He yells and I go shower.
20 minutes later, I get dressed in blue jeans and a green cardigan, tying my hair up in a ponytail and putting on light makeup.
"What a gorgeous girl I have all to myself" Blake says and hugs me from the back.
"Stop" I protest as my cheeks turn bright red colour.
"Is my girl blushing?" He says as he kisses my cheek and lifts me up from the chair I was previously sitting on.
"Stop!" I yell chuckling.
He sits down on the bed and sets me on his lap as he pulls my head close and kisses me roughly.
"We have to go Blake" I say, breaking the kiss.
"Fine" he says and gives me a peck on the lips before leaving the bedroom to go get Alessio.

After 20 minutes Blake is setting Alessio in his car seat while i do touch ups on the car mirror.

"Your all good buddy" Blake says as he puts on his seatbelt and closes his door before sitting in the driver's seat of his car.

30 minutes later

We arrive at Blake's parents mansion and get put the car.
"Babe do you mind grabbing Alessio, my arm hurts" I say.
"Sure babe" he replies and kisses me.

We go to the entrance and are instantly greeted by Blake's parents.

"There is my big boy" Blake's mother says as she sees Alessio who is now interested in their outdoor lights they have next to the doors.

We greet them and move to the couch. I set the baby bag on the couch next to me and sit down next to Blake on the couch.

"So how have you guys been?" Blakes father asks and we soon start a 2 hour conversation, talking about Alessio, how we've been doing and asking them questions and advices about parenthood.

We ate and had some dessert that was freshly baked by Blake's mother.

"Well, we have to go now" Blake suddenly announces and I nod, I was not tired but maybe he was, so I just brushed it off.

We got Alessio's bag and our things and we left the mansion and started our way home.

"How come we left?Alessio was asleep on the couch" I said, breaking the silence.
"Aurora, I want you, now." Blake says, not taking his eyes off the road. Thats when I notice his now tight pants and heavy breathing.
"Well, Alessio is with us. We need to get him to sleep before we do it" I say.
"Fuck." He says and thinks, after a few seconds he turns back and begins driving to his parents house again.
I already knew what he had in mind, we used the same excuse with my mom a couple weeks ago.
I notice Blakes pained expression.
"You okay babe?" I tease.
"Im impatient, really impatient." He says and i nod.

We got to his parents house and said we have some business to do so we need to be very focused and wont have time to look for him.
They gladly took him for the night and we started driving home again.

We are close to home now. I look out the window as I feel Blake's arm slowly going up my leg.
"Wait till we get home" I say and chuckle.
He nods and speeds up the car as I laugh again.
Soon, we arrive home.
Blake runs ot the car and goes to my door as he quickly opens them and lifts me up, hurrying towards the entrance.
"You really are impatient huh?" I say and move my hands on his chest.
"Im fucking starving" he says and he takes us to our room.

He places me on the bed.
"I can't wait to have you all for myself" he says and takes off his shirt as I get up and kiss his neck as he slowly unbuttoned his pants, panting.
I slowly get down on my knees as he pulls his pants off and slowly caresses my cheek with his fingers. I slowly put him in my mouth and start to suck him slowly, not breaking eye contact.
He groans and holds my head as he starts head fucking me faster. My eyes started to tear up, but i was enjoying this.

"Such a good girl. Look at you, sucking my cock, all innocent huh?" He says and continues to mouth fuck me faster until my saliva was all over him.
He pulled back and slowly caressed my face with the saliva and spat on me and smeared that too.
"Dirty slut, aren't you?" He asked me.
"Yes" i replied.
He nodded in approval and grabbed me and threw me on my back.
He forcefully spread my legs and sat on the floor.
He slowly started to lick and kiss my thighs as he quickly got up and pushed himself into me.
I gasped loudly as he started going faster until my eyes watered.
" don't cry baby, i know it hurts, but it will feel good soon" he said and i moaned as he was bringing me close to the edge.
"Im so close" I panted.
"Beg." He said and started going slower, making me feel emptier.
"Please please sir! I need it, please" I screamed as he started going faster again.
After a few seconds, i came as relief washed over me.
"Fuck i needed this" I said and got on top of him, slowly sliding myself down on him and riding him hard. That lasted until we were both exhausted and got our relief.
We laid on the bed, panting in exhaustion.
"You are fucking amazing" he said and kissed my lips.
"I missed this" i said
"'Me too" he replied and we soon fell asleep.

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