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AN( heyy guys im really sorry for posting so late and little, but school ruined my time. I will try to be more active and i will try i promise. Thank you for the support. I hope you enjoy the story)


I woke up cuddled up with Blake playing with my hair. He still wasn't awake, so I sat up a little and started playing with his hair.
He grunted in pleasure a few times but didn't wake up. I continued admiring him. I would normally get up and be productive, but I dont think i will be able to get up whitout Blake's help.

"Good morning my love" He said as he woke up and looked up with me with a smile.

I stopped playing with his hair, thinking he would want to get up, but I was wrong.

"Who told you to stop?" He asked and grabbed my hands, putting them on his head and sighed in pleasure as I chuckled and started to play with his hair again.

"I missed this, having fun with you, and not having to wake up every night for a thousand times to check up on Alessio, I love him, but its really exhausting" Blake said as I nodded.

"Im sure it will be easier when he's older" I said and kissed his head.

The next 2 hours we spent cuddling and attempting to get me to stand, he was laughing while i lost my patience and laid back.

"Come onn, Im sorry, lets go eat" he said and kissed my cheek.

He helped me up and we went to make breakfast.

"After breakfast get ready, we are going to pick up Alessio and visit one of my mafia friends." Blake said as I nodded.

We finished breakfast, I quickly got ready and took some spare clothes for Alessio and got in the Car with Alessio.

"Hello" I said, greeting Blake's mother as she opened the door.

"Hey,come in here, he just woke up from his nap"
" Im sorry if he caused trouble during the night" I said as I looked at her apologetically as Blake and his father greeted each other.

Soon, we heard running and giggles coming from the living room as Alessio came into view.
"Mommy" he yelled as he ran up to me and embraced me in a hug. I picked him up and kissed his cheek as Blake walked up to us and took him from me.

"You forgot about daddy?" He said, faking a sad smile and frowning at Alessio.
"No!" He yelled and kissed his cheek.

We talked for a while, I changed Alessio and we were on our way to Gabriello, the Greeces mafia boss, who always had a good relationship with Blake.

I've never met him, but Blake told me about him while driving to the restaurant we were supposed to meet in for lunch.

During the ride, which was 2 hours long, Alessio fell asleep, thankfully.

"I love you so much" Blake said as we stopped at a red light. We leaned in a kiss until the light turned green and Blake started driving again.

Soon, we arrived at the restaurant which was cleared out and guarded.

We already saw an car parked in and we got out the car to meet the others.

The resturant was one of the best resturants in the whole city, maybe even country. It was very famous all over the world.

Blake and I walked in holding Alessio and went to the big table in the middle.
"I thought there is going to be a woman" I whispered to Blake
"She is here, maybe she went to the restroom or something" he said and I nodded.

"Hello my name is Leonardo, and this is Evelyn. My wife is in the bathroom she will be back any moment" The guy said and pointed to a little girl that was sitting on his lap.

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