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"stupid ugly dress.." i muttered tugging down the tight pink dress i was wearing. i flipped my messy red hair out of my face for the hundredth time and sighed looking at my reflection. i hadn't worn a dress since i started deciding what i wanted to wear when i was 5. my mom was always super big on me being super girly  when i was growing up, but i hated skirts, dresses, makeup, and "girly" stuff, especially the colour pink. just seeing it made me and to gag. i much rather wear over sized clothes that were actually comfortable and ride my skateboard around town or even go to the arcade. my mom hated me being this way, and my stepfather neil thought there was something wrong with me for being this way. speaking of my mom and stepdad neil, it was their 5 year anniversary today, and neil insisted on going to a fancy town just outside of the town we live in hawkins. that's the reason i had to wear a stupid dress. i protested to wear normal clothes i would like any normal day, or even a suit would of been better then this, but neil just screamed at me untill i gave in.

"MAXINE. GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE, WERE LEAVING." neil screamed from the living room. i groaned and took one final glance around the room thinking about how much i'm gonna miss my stuff after being away from it for a few hours. "MAXINE." neil screamed again. "IM COMMING!" i screamed back feeling annoyed. i groaned again and slammed my door shut and walked towards the front door where my mom, and neil's son billy was waiting. billy scoffed as he looked me up and down. "you look disgusting maxine." he told me as he glared at me in disgust. "its max." i muttered underneath my breath. "maxine! don't be rude to your brother." my mom interrupted me. "he's not my brother mom!" i snapped back.

just then neil approached us smelling like alcohol and cigarettes. "MAXINE." neil yelled comming close to my face. "you don't fucking disrespect your mother or your brother, you hear me?" he told me in a strict tone. "yes sir.." i mumbled feeling even more angry and annoyed. "neil- we are going out to a nice place like you insisted. why do you reek of alcohol!?" my mom asked as neil slipped on his coat. "because i was drinking susan, what the fuck do you want me to tell you!?" he snapped. my mom sighed and looked away from him. "okay.. um well let's go then.." she mumbled opening the front door. we all followed her outside, and to neil's car that he treated like his own child. he treated that car better then he ever treated billy, me or even my mom. im pretty sure he would choose that car over his own family.

as i was about to open the door billy shoved past me, causing me to slighty stumble into the car. "billy what the hell!?" i snapped at him. he glared at me before getting into the car. i groaned once more and got back into the car. you see the thing about my family- is that we act like it's amazing and perfect on the outside, but in reality it's comeplete shit. my stepdad is always cheating on my mom, well he used too, and probably still does, but who knows. he also has a drinking problem and can be abusive at times. im not sure why my mom has done nothing to stop him, or even leave him yet, but i think she's scared. you would think billy would stand up for me as any older brother would do, but he even refused to acknowledge that i'm his sister. he still isn't over his parent's divorce when he was a little kid, so he has always resented me and my mom.

billy is very similar to his dad, he drinks, smokes, and is very mean and abusive at times. he's only hit me once or twice, but still. he never misses a chance to bully me or make my life miserable and a constant living hell. he was already 19, almost 20, but he was too broke to move out. i am 17 so only one more year untill i can move out and get away from this living shit hole. i've tried to run away to california to see my dad countless times, but i always get caught by police and then neil screams at me for the rest of the night and i get put on house arrest by my parents.


"good evening what can i get you folks today?" a young pretty waitress with waist length long dark hair and dark brown eyes asked us. neil's jaw dropped and he looked her up and down and grinned. "i'll have some steak darling." he smirked setting down his menu. the waitresses smile faded away and she looked uncomfortable. "um, alrighty. what will you three be having?" she asked looking to me, my mom, and billy. "i'll get spaghetti, please." my mom told her. "okay, and you two?" she asked looking over at me and billy. "i'll just have some fri-"
"some steak too." billy interrupted me. "okay. and what about you?" the waitress asked me. "oh she doesn't need anything gorgeous." neil told her. "no neil! maxine is gonna be hungry." my mom interrupted. "she can wait untill she gets home!" neil argued. "no neil-"
"mom. it's fine. im not hungry anyways.." i told her. she looked at me with a sad expression and then back to the waitress. "that's all i guess." she told her. she nodded and walked away as neil proceeded to whistle when he saw her ass. "looking good baby!" neil called out as the waitress glanced over her shoulder looking uncomfortable.

"umm, honey can you maybe not? as it is our anniversary and al-"
"no! when i see an attractive woman susan, i can compliment her! you have let your self completely go. maybe if you weren't such a pig all the time and cut back on the calories i will start finding you more attractive." he said in a rude tone. my mom looked taken aback and like she was about to cry as she cleared her throat. "alright then.." she mumbled holding back tears. neil cleared his throat and straightened his tie as he looked around. "god i thought this place would be more fancy.." he muttered as he saw a few people in casual clothing. just then another attractive waitress approached our table. this time this one has bright blond hair and ocean blue eyes. she also had a tight belt showing off her curvy body. "hey, have you four had your orders taken yet?" she politely asked.

once again neil looked her up and down and smirked. "yes we have, but you can stay and chat if you would like." he smirked looking at her chest. she smiled and politely declined. "im sorry i have to get back to work." she told him. she glanced at all our outfits and then everybody else's. "special occasion?" she asked. "oh yes," my mom smiled. "our anniversa-"
"my birthday. im just celebrating it with my friend and her kids y'know." neil grinned. my mom looked at him confused and holding back tears once again. "oh well happy birthday." she smiled before walking away.

"neil what the hell?" my mom asks him with a hurt expression. "what!?" he snaps back. "why would you tell her that i'm just your friend and these are MY kids!?" she asked. neil rolled his eyes and scoffed. "it's not that big of a deal susan. calm the fuck down." neil states in a stern tone. before my mom would reply the waitress from before comes back with all of their food. "steak for you two, and spaghetti for you." she says setting down all of their food. "now your sure i can't get anything else for you sweetheart?" she asks me with a concerned look. "she's fine darling." neil grins. she signs before walking away.
neil grinned at her untill she was out of sight, and then looked down at his steak with hungry eyes. "finally i'm starving." he stated before starting to eat his steak. i glanced around at all three of them eating their food while i clutched my stomach feeling really hungry.


"I DONT GET WHY YOU HAVE TO MAKE SUCH A BIG FUCKINC DEAL OUT OF THIS SUSAN." neil screamed at my mom. "YOU ASKED HER OUT ON A FUCKING DATE NEIL." my mom screamed back. i grabbed my head phones and put them on in an attempt to drown out them fighting. just before we left the restaurant neil had asked the first waitress out on a date infront if my mom, and that made her really mad.  normally when they fight i go to my room, but the fight had started as neil started to drive, so there was no where to go. "SHUT THE FUCK UP SUSAN." neil screamed as he clutched the steering wheel. "I AM YOUR WIFE. YOU CANT JUST GO ASKING WOMAN OUT ON DATES INFRONT OF ME!" she screamed back. neil took one hand of the steering wheel and pointed at my moms stomach and arms as he glared at her. "YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A FAT DISGUSTING-"
before neil could finish his sentence my mom screamed. "NEIL THE LIGHT-"
i looked up and saw the light was red and a car speeding towards us, and before i knew it there was a loud crash and everything went black.

memories ~ elmax ~Where stories live. Discover now