pt. 31

291 10 1

max's pov:

el was squeezing my hand because she knew i was scared. my mom and step dad took a flight last night to get here- and they're here. they're outside in the waiting room talking to the doctors. el looked over at me and slightly smiled. i knew she was as scared as i was, maybe i was more scared, but she was also scared. "hey- it's gonna be okay.." she told me. "no it's not- el, you don't know them like i do. you can't let them take me away, okay?" i begged her. "i'm not going to let them, maybe they really miss you and they're gonna change?" she suggested.

as soon as she said that i shoved her hand off of mine. just hearing her say that pissed me off. she doesn't know them like i do, she can't say that. she has no fucking right to say that. she looked over at me looking confused, and tried to touch my hand again, but i pushed her hand away again. "don't fucking touch me." i snapped at her as i tried to move over so i'm not beside her anymore. the confusion grew on her face even more, and then she spoke. "what- why?" she asked me. "you can't say shit about them! you don't know jack shit about them so don't say that, 'oh they've changed' no they haven't!" i snapped at her again. "i'm sorry, you're right. i don't know anything about them. i'm sorry." she apologized.

for once, i couldn't stay mad at her, i mean yeah I'm really mad, but why? she apologized, i have no right to be mad at her. "I'm sorry." i mumbled grabbing her hand again and moving closer to her again. "I'm really sorry i didn't mean to." i mumbled again. "it's okay, i understand." she told me grabbing my hand back. i could feel my heart pounding inside of my chest. i just can't believe it. el is really my girlfriend- i just can't believe it.

suddenly the door swung open, and in walked a tall a scruffy looking man.  the man looked beyond pissed. i could feel my heart start to race even more, and i was terrified. this was my first time seeing him in almost a week, a week may not seem like a long time, but to me it was. el looked at the man and her expression changed. she knew who he was.

"maxine, what the fuck were you thinking? slitting your fucking wrists for attention!? how fucking dumb are you!?" neil screamed as soon as he saw me. "and where the fuck have you been? you ran away from home like the selfish brat you are?" neil asked me clenching his fist. i stayed silent and looked over at el. neil also looked over at el, and then spoke. "get out, this is a discussion between me, and my spoiled brat of a daughter." he grunted. el stayed silent, before speaking.
"no. i'm not leaving max alone with you." she told him. "the fuck is that supposed to mean? get the fuck out of here before i call security." neil warned her as he got more angry.

"i'm not leaving you two alone with her." el said coldly as he squeezed my hand. suddenly the door opened again and a scrawny woman with red hair walked in. she had big bags underneath her eyes, and she looked a mix of sad and tired. "oh my goodness, maxine!" the woman cried out running towards me and el. el blocked my mom from touching me, and snapped at her. "if you even think about laying on finger on her i swear to fucking god i will kill you." el mumbled to my mom. my mom looked very taken aback, but she looked over at me with her piercing blue eyes. "maxine where have you been, we've been worried sick, why would you even leave home? you could of ended up hurt or even dead!" she told me.

"i would of if i hadn't left! you can't make me go back to that shit hole, you hear me? you can't fucking make me go anywhere!" i yelled at them. "yes we can and yes we will! you are under our care until you are fucking 18 years old!" neil screamed at me. "now you are coming home weather you like it or not." neil shouted as we walked over to us and grabbed my arm pulling me up. "NO!" el screamed as she tried to push him off of me. "let go of my fucking arm!" i screamed. he squeezed my arm and then made my arm face me, making me stare at all the deep cuts on my arm. "see what you did to yourself!? you are fucking batshit crazy!" he screamed as el let go of him, and ran to the door and started calling for joyce.

i looked over at my mom to see her reaction to all of this and she was just standing there, watching as this all happened. joyce came running into the room with a police officer behind her, and the cop pulled neil off of me. "you are a fucking worthless disgrace to this family." he yelled at me. my heart was still pounding inside of my chest and i almost couldn't breathe. the police officer made neil leave the room, and same with my mom and went in the hallway to talk to them. i could feel tears filling up my eyes, but none fell. i wanted to cry, i needed to cry, i just couldn't. i can't cry. i'm beyond terrified and exhausted, but i just can't cry.

"are you okay?" el asked me as she stared at me with her sympathetic hazel eyes. i silently shook my head. "no- why the fuck would i be okay?" i asked her as i could feel more tears filling my eyes- but still none falling. "max, i will do everything in my power to make sure they do not get to keep custody of you, okay? i will do everything i can." she explained. i nodded silently, as i could feel my heart race slow down.

i could hear neil arguing with the cop, and every once and a while my mom chime in, but not what they were saying. i don't understand, if neil hates me so much, why does he want me to live with him? i guess he just takes pleasure in torturing me, and making me hate life. making me into this. how did i even put up with him before all of this? has something like this happened before- other wise why would he be so angry? what did i do for him to possibly hate me so much?

all of my thoughts got interrupted by a doctor coming into my room. "maxine, we need to speak to you." he told me. "about what?" i asked him. "seeing what just happened, you will need to talk to a social worker about all of this so we know where to go from here." he explained. "fine but she needs to come with me, i'm not going anywhere without her." i told the doctor as i looked over at el. "fine, both of you please come with me." he told us. el grabbed my hand and helped me up out of the hospital bed.

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