Chapter 1.

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Lee Hyukjae, was a normal guy, working in the marketing department of Park Corp. He was 32, yet single. He dated just one person till now. His best friends Sungmin and Kyuhyun tried to set up blind dates for him, but Hyukjae rejected them every time. His thoughts on dating were quite old-fashioned. He preferred to meet someone by fate, slowly fall in love, and have a happy life together. He hated going on blind dates every week. Hyukjae thought only desperate people go on something like that. For him, his love would come to him anyhow.

It was Monday morning. Just like on other working days, Hyukjae reached his workplace . Before going to his floor, he went to the cafeteria of his company to get a coffee. While waiting for the coffee, he saw his best friends Sungmin and Kyuhyun. He waved at them. The couple saw him. They came towards him. "Hii Hyuk! How was your weekend?"

Hyukjae just rolled his eyes. The answer was obvious. It's not like he had a partner or something to spend his weekend with. Besides, his family too lived in a different town, far from Seoul. So spending the weekend with family wasn't possible either. "You know the answer. Boring!" He replied sighing.

Sungmin chuckled at his friend. "Hyuk that's why we tell you to date someone. Going on blind dates isn't bad! Life is not a kdrama that your soulmate would come to you one day like, Hey Hyukjae I'm your soulmate!!" Kyuhyun let out a scoff. He nodded his head agreeing with his boyfriend.

Hyukjae sighed. "Just go to work instead of teasing me. Yoona told me, we have an important meeting." Sungmin nodded. He pecked Kyuhyun's lips. "See you later Kkyu!" Sungmin and Hyukjae went together to their office. They both were in the sales department.


They entered the office and were welcomed by Yoona, with a worried expression. They sensed something was wrong. Sungmin asked if anything is wrong. "Our teamjangnim messed up real bad." Yoona told the whole situation. Their teamjangnim, Mr. Jung joined their team recently, because the previous team leader resigned as he moved to a different town with his newlywed wife. Since Mr. Jung joined, the marketing department saw downfall only. Though, Yoona, Sungmin and Hyukjae worked hard, Mr. Jung always messed up things. Whenever they used to come up with new ideas, he rejected them. Moreover, he used to take leave from work often. This time, he fought with the manager of Shin Group while being drunk. This made him leave Park Corp. right away without telling his team members.

Yoona said the meeting they were going to have today was with their new team leader. Hyukjae slammed his hand on the table right beside him. "We always work hard but that bastard has to ruin everything." Sungmin shushed him. "Don't say bad words about him. He was our team leader." Hyukjae scoffed. "That team leader of yours would've put us in the position of quitting." The other two gave each other a look. Hyukjae was right.

"Anyways, let's go to the meeting. It's almost time." They all took their things to go to the meeting room. They waited for about fifteen minutes but there was no sign of their new team leader. "Are you sure the meeting was now?" Sungmin asked. Yoona nodded. A minute later, the door swung open revealing an unfamiliar guy. The three looked at each other then at the strange man. "Sorry for making you all wait. I'm your new team leader, Lee Donghae." Yoona, Sungmin and Hyukjae immediately bowed to him.

"Let's start with hearing about ideas of what can we do to promote this new product. Shall we?" Donghae said receiving 'YES' from all of them. Their meeting ended after an hour. All four got up to move out. "I'm looking forward to working with you all." The team leader said with a polite smile. "We're looking forward to working with you too teamjangnim" Sungmin replied. Donghae smiled. He was the first one to leave the room. As soon as he left, Yoona and Sungmin started jumping. Hyukjae halted while collecting his things looking at them surprised.

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