Chapter 10.

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Hyukjae came to the office earlier than usual. He got up at 5 and took 3 hours to decide on his outfit, hair, cologne and accessory. He wanted to look perfect for his boyfriend, Donghae. The whole night, he was rolling from side to side on the bed, squealing and blushing. The first thing he did when he got up was to mutter "Morning my Hae" to himself. He smacked himself many times for acting like a pabo.

Hyukjae was too nervous when he reached the building. His heart was beating fast, his palms got sweaty and he was biting his lips, hard enough to make them bleed. He remembered the tutorial he saw on YouTube in the morning to calm himself. He finally entered his office and was greeted by his two loud friends. "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!" Hyukjae covered his ears. Sungmin hugged his bestie tightly. "Aigooo my baby is finally dating!" He smacked Hyukjae's butt lightly making him hiss at the sudden pain. "Now there's no one in our department who's single~" Yoona clapped her hands.

"Oh? Teamjangnim?" Sungmin got surprised when someone opened the door. Hyukjae forgot how to breathe for a moment. "Good morning everyone!" Donghae greeted them. Yoona and Sungmin looked at each other smirking before greeting him back. Donghae's eyes fell on Hyukjae, who was standing there like a statue. Yoona nudged Sungmin signalling him to go to their desks and give them some space. Watching Yoona and Sungmin, Hyukjae too tried to go to his seat but Donghae caught his wrist. He pulled Hyukjae towards himself making the younger crash onto his chest. "Isn't it rude to ignore your namchin?"

Hyukjae's face was flushed. While Donghae looked at the younger's state smiling. Sungmin and Yoona gasped hearing their team leader being flirty. "I-i didn't i-ignore you" Hyukjae muttered hiding his face in Donghae's chest. The elder lifted Hyukjae's face, cupping both his cheeks. "Good morning Hyukie!" Sungmin widened his eyes at the nickname. "Hyukie? Oh my god!" He mouthed to Yoona who was trying to control herself from giggling. "M-morning, teamjangnim".

Hyukjae dashed off to his seat ignoring all. Donghae shook his head smiling at the younger. "Hyukieeee~" Sungmin said in a teasing tone. Hyukjae glared at his friend. "Stop teasing me. I can see your butt is hurting, isn't it? Aww was your Kkyu rough last night? Hmm?" Yoona choked on her drink when she heard the two besties. Sungmin huffed remembering what his poor butt had to go through because of Hyukjae.

They heard a knock on the door. Kyuhyun walked inside giving his boyfriend a solemn look. He put a small bottle on Sungmin's table. "Painkillers. For you." Hyukjae snorted. Sungmin pouted looking at Kyuhyun. The team leader looked at Sungmin with concern. "Sungmin-ssi, are you not feeling good?" Kyuhyun left smirking at the question. Yoona and Hyukjae laughed loudly at Donghae's innocent question. "His butt is not feeling good" Hyukjae whispered but audible enough for Sungmin and Yoona as they were closer to him. Sungmin glared at his boyfriend and best friend. Kyuhyun pecked Sungmin's lips and left.

Donghae sat there confused, while Hyukjae and Yoona were giggling. "Just wait Hyuk! I'm sure your Donghae can be rougher than Kkyu! Let's see how your butt handles it huh!" Hyukjae mocked Sungmin's expression. "Enough teasing your friend Hyukie." Donghae said turning his chair to face them. Hyukjae blushed. He loved whenever the elder called him 'Hyukie'.


During lunchtime, Hyukjae got a message from Junsu, to have lunch together outside the office. "There's a very good restaurant nearby. We haven't got time to spend time together, so I wanted to take you out for lunch" Junsu said as they left the office building together. Hyukjae was happy to finally spend some time with Junsu. They both went to the same college and were very good friends. Though they both worked in Park Corp., they rarely got time to hang out together.

"Oh?" Hyukjae was confused to see the restaurant empty. Usually, at that hour, restaurants around his office are full, but this one was not. Not even a single person was seen nearby. "Are you sure it's good? Why isn't anyone here?" Junsu laughed a little. "Maybe because it opened recently. People might not be knowing." Hyukjae nodded his head. It could be true. As they have to rush to their office soon, people prefer to eat at the known place instead of finding some new restaurants.

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