Chapter 18.

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After Donghae was calm from his breakdown, he went back to his bedroom. Hyukjae was rolled up in the blanket making him look like a giant spring roll. Donghae lips quivered looking at his boyfriend's sleeping figure. He sat on the empty space of bed. "Hyukjae-ah..." Donghae felt tears forming in his eyes again. He immediately wiped them before it could fall.

He got up from the bed, took his phone and car key, and went out of the house. But he was stopped by Yesung. "Eodiga?" Donghae ignored his brother's word. Yesung didn't ask him again because he knew Donghae might have wanted to fresh up his mind. Yesung sighed before going back to his room.

It was midnight, and Donghae was still driving on the roads of Seoul. He reached the place he was supposed to go after 20 more minutes. He parked his car and went inside the building. "Master!!" Donghae shouted as soon as he was inside. "What happened boy?" Donghae got startled by the voice from behind.

He turned around and bowed deeply to the man. "I think you know. Why am I here." Donghae said with his lips quivering. The other guy raised his one eyebrow letting out a hum. "Do I?" Donghae sighed. "Master! Please. Ain't there any other way? To kill him?" The master started walking bumping into Donghae's shoulder.

Donghae was confused but followed him nonetheless. They kept walking without uttering any word until they reached a room. The huge door of the room opened revealing bright lights. Donghae covered his eyes with his arms. The master kept walking and sat on a sofa. "I remember telling you the answer sixteen years before, kid." Donghae looked at the guy with ragged eyes. "When you turned 20 and became a wizard properly." The latter continued.

"I know! I know! That's why I'm asking. It has been sixteen years! Wouldn't there be any new way now?" The master chuckled. He motioned Donghae to sit. Donghae was so frustrated at the moment. He took a deep breath and sat. The master tilted his neck thinking hard. "Well." He started. "It's been sixteen years. So, are you Donghae?"

Donghae looked at the guy with an eerie expression. "Huh?" The master chuckled. "After sixteen years, did you change? You're still Lee Donghae, right?" Donghae understood what he meant. He slammed his hand on the couch he was sitting on gritting his teeth. "Listen Donghae. I know it's hard for you, to put your love, your soulmate in danger. But it's your fate. It was already decided even before you were born."

Donghae's eyes were filled with tears, due to anger, due to sadness. "W-why me?" He muttered under his breath. "WHY IT HAD TO BE ME?" He yelled. The master didn't even flinch at his outburst. Rather, his expressions were calm. "Teach him." Donghae looked back at the guy. "Teach him how to use his power properly. Then his chance of dying, might reduce." Donghae looked at his master baffled as if it was such a normal topic. He scoffed.

He got up from the seat to make his leave when he was stopped by the master. "You cannot change your destiny kid. And that guy, he originally wasn't your soulmate." Donghae had to control his anger because he knew what the latter was implying. He turned around to face the guy. "So you mean, it's my fault? That Hyukjae is in danger?" The master shrugged his shoulders.

"You think I wouldn't be feeling the same if Jieun was my soulmate now?" Donghae's hands were fisted. He knew he was wrong to get angry on his master, when, even he was not at fault of his cruel destiny. He walked out of the room not giving a glance to his master. He went out and got into his car.

Meanwhile, the master who was still sitting in the same place sighed heavily. "Mianhada Donghae-yah. Only if I had the power to change your fate." He got up from the sofa to back to his room.


Donghae reached home at 2 AM. He was glad that no one was awake at the moment. He went to his room. He sat on the bed and looked towards Hyukjae who was laying inside the blanket, covered from head to toe like a cacoon. Donghae removed the blanket from his face slowly. He saw sweat on Hyukjae's face. His gaze went to the AC which was set on 16. 'Why is he sweating?'

He took tissue from the table beside the bed and wiped the sweat off Hyukjae's face. He threw the tissue and kissed Hyukjae's forehead. "I'll protect you baby." Donghae caressed his face for a few moment then went to sleep. He turned off the lights and sighed heavily before going in a deep slumber as he was tired from driving.

Donghae groaned in his sleep when he heard the alarm sound waking him up from his sweet dream land. He stretched his hand to get his phone to switch the alarm off. He looked beside him and found Hyukjae looking at him with doe eyes and pouty lips. Donghae chuckled. "Did my alarm wake you up?" Hyukjae pouted more. "Ani. The sound was too low that I couldn't hear it." Donghae let out another chuckle.

He went on top of younger, trapping him in his arms and giving him a long peck on his lips. "Morning baby." The younger giggled. "Morning Hae" Hyukjae's morning voice was husky which made Donghae attack his lips again. "Mmm Hae" Hyukjae tried to stop Donghae. "Stop seducing me in the morning Hyukie." Donghae said giving pecks all over Hyukjae's face. "I'm not doing anything." Donghae kissed the younger's lips again.

Hyukjae understood Donghae wouldn't stop until he gets what he wants. Hyukjae wrapped his arms around Donghae's neck pulling him closer. Donghae nibbled on his lower lips, biting and sucking it. "Hyukie... baby." The elder let out a groaning sound when Hyukjae fisted his hair and started moving his lips roughly. "Where.... where did my shy baby go?" Donghae asked in between the heated kiss.

"If your make out session is over get ready and come for breakfast." Donghae and Hyukjae heard a familiar voice. Hyukjae went panicky and pushed Donghae aside. "Hyung?" Donghae nervously looked at his brother who was standing at the door frame with hands crossed. "I'm glad I didn't send Wookie to wake up you both. Aigoo my eyes." Yesung went out shaking his head.

Hyukjae gave Donghae a look. "The door wasn't locked?" He asked making a pout. "I don't remember." Hyukjae rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at Donghae getting up from the bed. "Wanna shower together baby?" He said winking at the younger. Hyukjae's breathe hitched. 'Should I...' He turned to face his boyfriend. "D-do you w-want to?" He asked hesitantly. Donghae was shook. He didn't expect a reply like this from Hyukjae. "Baby?" Hyukjae covered his face and ran into the bathroom screaming. "ANIYA DWAESSEO!!"

Donghae was still sitting on the bed being surprised. "He's acting strange." He slouched on the bed thinking about the previous night. 'I have to protect him. No matter what.' Donghae wasn't sure how he would stop the evil one without putting Hyukjae in risk, but he had to do something. For Hyukjae.

After having breakfast together, Donghae and Hyukjae went to their company and Yesung and Ryeowook went to the cafe. The day was quite busy for all of them, as they returned to work after a whole week.

It was 7 pm. Donghae and Hyukjae were packing up things to leave. "Bye Min! Bye Kkyu!" Hyukjae bid his friends goodbye before getting into Donghae's car. While they were on the way, Hyukjae got a message from Yesung.

We have some work to do. So we both gonna arrive late. Don't stay awake for us. I have the key.

"Yesung hyung said he and Ryeowook gonna come late." Donghae tapped his phone to check if Yesung contacted him or not. "Woah! Now my hyung is gonna tell you everything and not me." He said scoffing. Hyukjae shook his head being done with the brother's habit of getting pissed at everything. "Aigoo." Hyukjae just sighed instead of replying which made Donghae laugh at his boyfriend.

They reached home after fifteen more minutes. They decided to order food instead of making it as they both were kind of tired. They finished the dinner and were sitting on the sofa watching movie. It was 9 pm and Yesung and Ryeowook were still busy with work.

"Ahhhh just kiss me!"
"Don't back-up now"

Hyukjae widened his eyes not expecting the sudden rated scene in the movie. Donghae saw Hyukjae's expression and smirked. 'My shy baby.' He made his face closer to Hyukjae's ears. "Wanna do what they're doing baby?" He whispered in a husky voice. Donghae was just teasing Hyukjae to see his cute expressions, and didn't expect Hyukjae's next move.

Hyukjae pulled Donghae by his collar smacking the elder's lips with his own ones. Donghae stopped breathing at the sudden move. Hyukjae was embarrassed, his ears were red, but he had no intention to stop. He swayed his tongue across Donghae's lips. "B-baby."

"I want you Hae."

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